Thursday, May 29, 2014

Day 24 - Morning Check-In

Good morning. It's 7:40am and I just dropped off my older daughter at school. Now my younger daughter and I have to head home and get her ready for her school which doesn't start until 8:30am.

I couldn't fall asleep last night and finally went to bed at 12:45am. Normally I am so tired I pass out as soon as I put the kids to bed. I bet the reason I couldn't sleep had something to do with being amped up from two workouts. I wanted to wake up early this morning and go for a run but when I couldn't fall asleep I knew that would no longer be possible.

I haven't eaten breakfast yet but I'm planning on having oatmeal and some fruit once I do. I've heard that oatmeal keeps you full longer that eating cereal. I'm going to test that out.

Today I am going to my Thursday client's. This is the client that closes at 4pm so I could normally go to the gym afterwards. I've been in the process of updating their accounting software and the deadline to get it done is today. When updating the software, no one else can be using it so I can't do it during normal business hours. Last week I started downloading the new software after everyone left and it took forever. An hour after starting the download it was only 75% done so I gave up and went home. That was only the initial download. Since I am pretty sure the download finished after I left the next step will be converting the old program into the new one. That can also take time, but usually not as much. I'm going to tell the owner that we need to start at 3pm so they're going to have to close an hour early. If I start at 4pm and run into issues, I won't be able to fix them all if it takes too long (since I have to pick up my kids). If the software coverts without any issues, I may have time to go to the gym afterwards. I'll bring my gym bag just in case.

Alright, have to get going. As always, I will check in later to update my progress. Have a great day everyone. :)

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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