Monday, May 26, 2014

Day 21 - Three Weeks Yay

Today is my three week anniversary on my diet. I am feeling good and very stoked I've made it to week three.

I'm not sure what we're going to do today. I really feel like going stand up paddle boarding but I'm also kind of tired. It's been a very busy weekend. I have some housework I need to do and I also need to clean my car.

Before my diet every weekend I would wake up and start watching TV.  All I wanted to do was lounge around all day and relax.  I was mentally and physically tired and I needed time to recover after a long week of work.  If we had plans during the weekend, instead of being excited to go do something fun I wished I could just stay home and laze around.  Never having energy sucked and I felt like a fat lazy blob.  Ever since I started my new diet I am energized and feel great.  I woke up this morning and started watching House on Netflix.  After watching two episodes I became bored and wanted to get up and go do something.  That is such a change from how things used to be and it is awesome.  Having a pedometer also really helps.  You want to move around so that you get a lot of steps in during the day.

For lunch today I am going to have one of my Three Cheese Ziti mirco-meals.  After lunch I will decide what we're going to do today.  Whether I end up doing housework or end up going stand up paddle boarding, both are better than lying around on my ass all day.

I also realized something last night.  My daily calorie max was wrong.  The app I was using to track my daily calorie intake was set on losing one pound a week instead of two.  That is why it on 1,360/day.  When I updated the goal settings to losing two pounds a week it lowered to 1200 calories per day.  It was easy eating below 1,360 calories, eating below 1200 may be a bit of a challenge, especially at first.

Alright...time for some lunch.  Will check back in later.  :)

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