Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Day 2 - Morning Check-In

It's 7:30am and so far this morning is off to a pretty good start. Last night I woke up in the middle of the night and was seriously craving some sugar. The left over Easter candy in the pantry was sounding REALLY freakin good. But I held my ground and am very proud of myself for not giving in. I am also proud that I was able to complete day 1. Now all I have to do is complete day 2.
In the past, when dieting, I have always looked at the big picture and that is how I always stayed motivated to lose weight. I thought, that by focusing on the end goal by imagining what it would be like once I lost all the weight, would help me remain focused on what I needed to do. The problem is, those diets always ended up failing.
This time around, I am doing what recovering addicts do, which is just taking it one day at a time. The goal each day will be to get through that day without falling off the wagon.
Every time I start a diet, I always do really well the first few days. The longest I've gone is three weeks. My average is probably around 5-7 days. For me, starting a diet is really easy. In fact, it's usually pretty exciting. But after a few days the novelty has warn off. What usually happens is that I convince myself I have changed. I am them so proud of myself I decide to reward myself with something not on my diet plan. I then fall off the wagon completely (sounds just like an addict huh?). The other times I fail is when I skip a meal like lunch. By the time I get off work I am so famished, I eat the first thing I can get my hands on...usually fast food. No matter how or why I slip up I always do. But to be honest, that's not the problem. The problem is, once I slip up I completely give up. I feel like a complete failure and think "what's the point" and give up.
Looking back, I really do think food, mainly sugary foods, are like an addiction for me. I need to remember that I am human and I will make mistakes here and there. As long as I get back on the wagon I will be fine.
So back to today... This morning I had a bowl of Frosted Mini-Wheats with nonfat milk. I forgo coffee again for a sugar free energy drink (Rockstar). I am not sure what I'll do for lunch yet. Maybe another Subway sandwich since it's easy to calculate the fat and calorie content on their website.

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