Thursday, May 15, 2014

Day 10 - Evening Update

It's 9:51pm and I am about to go to bed. Today was another nonstop day. I ended up leaving my clients at 4:45pm but still went to the gym. I figured a short workout was better than no work out at all. While I was at the gym I called my mom and asked her to pick up my older daughter from after-school. I still had to pick up my younger daughter by 6:30 but it gave me time to get in a decent workout (about an hour and fifteen minutes).

Today my older daughter forgot her bag of swim clothes in my car (her after-school goes to the pool on Thursdays). At 1pm she called me and asked if I could drop it off. I popped out for a sec but didn't have time to stop at Subway so I heated up my microwave meal when I got back to the office. Today I tried something new: Chicken, potatoes, and corn. The dessert exploded in the microwave so I had the strawberries I had brought me instead.

All in all today was a good day. I am feeling great, more energized and all around happier than I was before I started this diet. It has been hard not weighing myself every day. I am excited to see if I've made any progress. But I know that it's better to weigh myself once a week, if for nothing else it's something to look forward to. And let's be real, what else do you have to look forward to on a Wednesday?

Well I'm going to bed now. Tomorrow I am working at my office all day. Since it's not a gym day I'll try to do 10k on the pedometer.

Good night everyone.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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