Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Day 15 - Morning Check-In

I think I'm starting to realize my all of my diets have failed. What happens is that I don't lose weight as fast as expected and I get discouraged. I then convince my self that the only reason I've lost any weight is because I'm going to the gym. If I keep going to the gym I should be able to eat everything I want...

I was thinking about this yesterday when I was at a clients. I has just finished a great work out but was feeling bloated and fat. It might have something to do with the pants I was wearing or maybe it had sown thing to do with the fact that I'm about to get my period...either way I was feeling a little inpatient at this whole weight loss process. I then started to wonder if this diet was actually contributing anything or if it was because I was going to the gym. After all, I always have more energy after working out, but usually don't when eating better by itself. And then it hit me...THIS MUST BE WHY I ALWAYS FAIL. I must convince myself I could lose the same amount of weight by going to the gym alone. I start back to eating unhealthy and before I now it I'm overeating again. Because in eating like shit I feel like shit and lose all motivation to go to the gym. And then it's over and I'm heavier than I started.

What I don't understand is how someone can be SO motivated to lose weight one week and a week or two later that motivation is gone. I usually get motivated when I hit some sort of bottom and am feeling like crap. Then, as soon as I start feeling better, I chuck my diet and exercise routine out the window. What I don't realize was the diet and exercise is what was making me feel better! Without that I'm going to go back to being a lump.

Anyway... I am super excited about my weigh-in tomorrow. I am really hoping the scale with go down. We will just have to see. I am also really excited to try out my FitBit today. One of the tips FitBit gives you is: "Try parking farther away from the office". I'm going to try that today. I have a client in Lucas Valley and they have a rather large parking lot at their building. I usually pick the spot closest to the office but today it will try the opposite. This client also has a gym onsite so I'm bringing my gym bag and my lunch in case it have time.

For breakfast today I had the usual. I wasn't as hungry when I woke up but I was craving sugar last night like you wouldn't believe. I wonder if that ties in to the days I go to the gym. Hmm...I'll have to look back and see.

Alright...gotta go. Will check in later.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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