1. For lunch I tried a new frozen meal. It was the Chicken and Vegetable Potsticker by Eating Right. It was pretty gross. I am pretty sure there were gross chunks of yellow egg in the rice. If I had known about the egg chunks I would not have purchased it. But that wasn't the only reason I disliked it. The postickers were gummy and the rice/veggy mix was gross. The sauce that was poured over the potstickers was also pretty gross. I will not be ordering that one again.
2. Today I finally went over the 10lbs lost mark. That means I finally get one of my "prizes"!! My brother gave me a $50 gift card to Target for my birthday (which was on May 4th).

I think I might use it to buy a cute new gym outfit. I also REALLY need some new gym shoes. I might go to the local mall for a new pair. I am also in desperate need of a manicure. That gel shit really destroyed my nails. Usually my nails are long and strong. They are now insanely short and keep peeling down the middle...OUCH! There are so many options to choose from.
3. I ended up eating dessert tonight. I could have gone without it but I felt like I needed to raise my daily calorie intake...WOW...RAISE my daily calorie intake. Never thought I'd be saying that. lol
4. I was thinking of trying to wake up early tomorrow morning to go for a run. I LOVE early morning runs. When you start your run it's still dark and you get to watch the sun come up. By the time you're finished the sun it starting to rise and everyone is starting to wake up. It is my favorite time of the day.
5. I noticed the cup of oatmeal I ate a couple days ago has about half of the calories of the cereal I eat every day. That is solely because I have two servings of cereal and one serving of oatmeal. I only need one serving of oatmeal because it's so filling. I think I'll try oatmeal with a side of fruit tomorrow (if I remember).
6. Once again I wasn't able to make the new recipes I wanted. I forgot I had to go to the drug store, grocery store, and Kaiser to pick up a prescription. We finally got home at 8:00pm and I was starving!! I was so hungry after the gym (my second trip to the gym) and I was worried I might make a bad decision if I waited until dinner to eat something. The problem was, I didn't have time to stop anywhere. While waiting (45 minutes!!) at Kaiser to pick up my prescription I decided to go to the car and pop open the bag of baby carrots I bought at the store. Those satisfied me until we got home and I made dinner (chili for the kids and another frozen meal for myself).
Okay, I think that's it. I sure I will think of more as soon as I close my laptop but it is 11:01pm and I need to get to bed, especially if I want to get up at 5:00am to go for a run. Good night everyone...talk to you tomorrow. xoxo
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