Monday, April 20, 2015

Sugar Cravings Score

I gave in last night and had some candy. I ate 9 Starburst Jellybeans and 1 long/skinny Tootsie Roll. There were five or six more Tootsie Rolls and the same number of jelly bean boxes. I was somehow able to rationalize eating all of the Tootsie Rolls, after all, I was sure I was under my daily calorie intake for the day. But then I remembered my daily goal to be under my calories for the day so I decided to pop on to My Fitness Pal to check where I was at.  After entering the first candy (the small box of jelly beans) a reminder popped up on MFP saying "Yoar goal is to stay under 50g of sugar for the day..." This basically meant that I had already gone over my sugar allowance for the day and I hadn't entered the Tootsie Roll yet. I looked through my journal and was reminded that I had eaten four marshmallows in between lunch and dinner.  I decided that Id had enough sweets for the day and opted for a bowl of Special K cereal instead. 

In the end, I lost a point by having candy but gained a point by only having two small pieces. 

Score: Me-2; Sugar-1

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