Thursday, April 2, 2015

Morning Update and Weigh-In

Thursday ~ April 2, 2015

-2.4 pounds

I wasn't going to weigh myself today but decided to anyway. I've been trying to focus more on how I feel than how much weight I'm losing. I first weight myself last Wednesday 3/26, which was about three weeks after I started eating healthier. So I'm not sure what my starting weight was and it doesn't really matter. Last Wednesday my weight was 164.4 pounds. Today it's 162.0. 

I bought a scale on Amazon a week ago but it needed AAA batteries for the display and wouldnt work without them. I could have easily bought AAA batteries but decided to hold off for the time being. This isn't about how quickly I can shed pounds. This is about being healthier and more fit so my knees don't hurt when I climb stairs, so I can tie my shoes with ease, and so I can go on walks and hikes with my kids without pathetically suffering. 

I was debating going on a run this morning because  short on time but decided to go anyway. I'm having a little frustration with one of my clients and this will be a great way to let off some steam. I'm also hungry again but am trying to space out my snacks so I don't eat them all in between breakfast and lunch (and running will let me eat more calories anyway).

Yesterday I was really tired but today I am feeling good. I want to keep track on what I eat and drink and how my diet ties in to how much energy I have. I also want to see if running in the A.M. boosts my energy for the day. 

(Posted from iPhone so apologize if there are any spelling or vocab errors)

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