Sunday, April 26, 2015

Day 49 - Weekly Update

Sunday - 4/26/15

It has been about five days since my last post but that's not because I fell off the wagon, it's just because I've been extremely busy.  I was so excited that I dropped 3.4 pounds this week I used it as motivation to keep going strong.

Because I was so busy this week I was only able to make it to the gym on Monday. Tuesday was a day off because I had to be at work so early and didn't get off until 6:30pm.  Wednesday I had a client in the morning so I was planning on going to the gym afterward.  My appointment took longer than expected which meant I didn't have time for the gym.  Instead, I went on a run and tried out my new water bottle and my new wireless headphones (which I love!!).
On Thursday I went for a great run in the morning because I didn't have time to go to the gym before or after work.  Friday was another day off because I had a busy work day at my office.  I FINALLY got caught up with work.  And lastly, Saturday, I decided to take the kids on a hike on Mount Tam.

I had wanted to go for a nice long hike all week.  We've been hiking the previous two weekends but each of those was only about two miles long.  This weekend I wanted to go somewhere really far from society, somewhere really beautiful and quiet, and somewhere we could go for a 4-5 mile hike which included uphill portions to get better exercise.  I looked up some trails online before going but couldn't find one that showed the distance.  I decided to just head out and explore the trails once we were out there.

We left the house around noon.  We stopped at Bordenaves to get some fresh sandwich rolls for lunch.  We then stopped at United Market for some fresh fruit (apples, strawberries, and raspberries) and some deli turkey and cheese for our sandwiches.  We arrived at Muir Woods and started our hike around 1:00pm.  I bought a trail map and picked a trail that headed up to the top of the mountain.  Mount Tam is a huge mountain so I was pretty sure we wouldn't make it to the top but that didn't stop us from trying.

We hiked for about an hour and a half taking a break for snacks halfway during our trek up the mountain.  At about the three mile mark I checked the map and found what looked like a perfect trail that would lead the way back down the hill.  The kids were a little tired and wanted to go back down the way we had came.  I on the other hand, didn't want to double back and instead wanted to take a new trail down.  I decided to take the TCC Trail I found on the map, a trail that would cut across the mountain and lead us back down the other side of the creek.  The TCC Trail looked like it was around a half mile long which would give us a little bit longer of a hike back than just doubling back and heading down.

We started on the TCC Trail and kept going.  After about thirty minutes the kids started asking to stop for a snack break again.  I just wanted to get back to the main trail that would head back which I figured we would arrive at any second.  We kept going, and going, and going.  We finally ran into some people on the trail who I was able to ask about this "TCC Trail" we thought we were on.  According to them, we weren't even on the TCC Trail yet.  They said the trail was just around the corner though.  I assured the kids the TCC Trail was short and that we would be on our way back down soon.

We finally made it to the actual TCC trail and I was stoked to finally cut across and then be back on the main trail to head down.  I figured the half mile TCC trail would take us about 15-20 minutes to cut across.  After about 45 minutes though we still hadn't made our way to the main trail.  The kids at this point were getting really hungry so as soon as we came across a bench we took advantage of the opportunity and sat down for a rest break and a snack.

I didn't want to stop for too long so after ten minutes we packed the snacks up and headed on our way.  Another twenty minutes passed and we were STILL on this TCC Trail.  At this point I was getting really stressed out.  I pulled out my phone and kept checking for a signal.  Finally, a signal came up and I was able to pull an actual trail map up.  I saw that we were on the TCC Trail and that we were getting closer to the main trail.  What I also saw was the the TCC Trail wasn't a half mile short cut but instead a THREE MILE trek.  At this point it was too late to turn around so we had no choice but to keep going.

In the end, the 4-5 mile hike I had planned on going turned out to be a 9 mile hike!!!!  I couldn't believe my 13 year old and my 7 year old hiked for 9 miles.  They are freaking rock stars and I super proud of them.

Today is Sunday and the kids and I are a little pooped.  I am not sure what we'll do today, my plan is to just play it by ear.  If it's warm enough we may go to the pool, otherwise I'll probably just grab a book and some magazines and go lay out in the sun in my backyard.

Tomorrow (Monday) I don't have any clients scheduled and instead plan on being at my office.  This is great because I can go to the gym!  I think I'll go to the office early and go to the gym in the afternoon but we'll see how that goes.

For now, I just want to enjoy the rest of the weekend with my beautiful amazing kids.

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