Tuesday, July 1, 2014 @ 11pm
This morning got off to a late start. My six year old woke me up around 7:30am. I got up, got us breakfast, drank my morning caffeine, and then laid back down on my bed next to my daughter to watch some cartoons with her. I ended up falling back asleep and didn't wake up for another hour. When I did wake up I jolted up to look at the clock and saw it was almost 10am...crap! I hurried to get ready for work while at the same time trying to convince my six year old to get herself ready. She can me such a little diva in the morning. The is a major perfectionist and that can through a serious kink into trying to get her dressed quickly (since her outfit has to be "perfect"). This morning was no different. On top of the usual morning drama, my daughter's daycare was going to the pool so I my daughter and I had to pick out a bathing suit on top of picking out her outfit. I grabbed the one piece suit she usually wears but she didn't want "that one". When I went to find her other one piece she informed me that she wanted to wear a two piece instead (even though she never wears a two piece). Thankfully her two piece was right where I thought it would be- in the bathing suit drawer (this is usually not the case since my kids take things out all the time and instead of putting them back where they found them, they somehow manage to leave things in the yard, on the patio, under their bed, or in one of their many toy bins). I also had to pack her goggles, beach towel, clean underwear, clean sock, and sneakers (since she wore her flip flops)... and of course the usual sunblock and lunch.
Getting ready took a lot longer than expected and we didn't end up leaving the house until 11:30! I dropped her off at 11:40am and didn't get to my client's until noon. Thankfully, my client didn't seem to mind that I got there so late (at least she didn't say anything). I also knew that I didn't have a heavy workload today so I could afford to arrive a little later than usual. By 6:00pm I had completed everything that needed to be done. I picked up my daughter from daycare and then headed to the grocery store.
For dinner tonight I grilled up some boneless skinless chicken breasts. I bought a couple new spices to try out on the chicken. I grilled three breasts: one with some mesquite seasonings, one with an Italian seasoning, and one without seasoning for my six year old. Both seasonings turned out to be pretty darn delicious. The only chicken breast left over was the one without seasonings. I also cooked some steamed broccoli, instant mashed potatoes, and some gravy. Dinner turned out excellent but, more importantly, I felt completely satisfied afterward.
The only issue with cooking a dinner with several dishes is the cleanup process totally sucks. Since I am a single parent, I am the one who always does the cooking and cleaning. My six year old had picked out a movie from one of those RedBox machines in the grocery store. Since we have seen the usual picks (Frozen, Lego Movie, Despicable Me 2...) we always end up renting low budget kid movies with pretty bad graphics. Once in a while we get one that's actually pretty good. Tonight's movie was not one of those. The movie was called Big Bear or something like that. Not only were the graphics atrocious, the story itself was awful. I had planned on relaxing with my kids on the couch after dinner to watch the movie, but since the movie was so poor, I ended up doing housework instead.
As soon as the movie ended the kid's and I sat on the large couch and I read a chapter of the first Harry Potter book (we were at chapter nine). We started reading the book a few months ago. Every week or two we sit down for another chapter. Ideally we would read a chapter every night (at this pace it's going to take us several years to get through the entire series) but my older daughter would much rather play on her phone than sit down with her little sister and me to read a book. I usually end up making her, which doesn't go over to well...But she enough, after a couple minutes, she is drawn into the story. A few times she has begged to to read a second chapter. lol
I am looking forward to tomorrow since I will FINALLY be able to start going to the gym again. It is also my weekly weigh-in day...not sure how that's going to go. Well, I'm off to bed. I'll check back in manana. :)
Tuesday, July 1, 2014
Monday, June 30, 2014
Day 57
Monday, June 30, 2014 @ 8:43pm
Today didn't quite go as planned. I was very excited to go to the gym today and get back into my usual workout routine. I arrived at my clients at 9:45am, which is earlier than I usually get there. I figured it would take me anywhere from 2-4 hours to finish the work that needed to be done. Unfortunately, I didn't realize how much work there was to do. When I finally finished everything and left it was already 5:30pm. That only gave me thirty minutes until I had to pick up my six year old from day care, which was no where near enough time to go to the gym beforehand.
Tomorrow I will be working in Lucas Valley all day at my Tuesday client's office and there is no way I will have enough time to go to the gym. I will have to wait until Wednesday which is a bummer but what are you gonna do...? At least I am feeling much better.
For breakfast today I ate a bowl of cereal. We were out of my usual Special K so I had to eat some Chocolate Toast Crunch my bf bought for our kids. I was so busy at work I didn't stop to make my lunch. Instead, I ate two servings of sourdough nibbler pretzels. For dinner I cooked some tacos using 96% lean ground beef from Trader Joes (plus the taco sauce and seasonings I cook the meat with), Mirancho organic corn tortillas, and 2% shredded jack & cheddar cheese. After dinner I had a sweet craving and really wanted to eat a couple of the kid's Double Stuff Oreos (another food their father bought for them). I decided I would calculate my food for the day to see if there was even an option of having dessert. I am very happy I did that because it turned out I only had around 70 calories left for the day. I could have eaten one Oreo but instead I opted for a small bowl of Haagen Daaz Lemon Sorbet (1/4 cup).
It is time for me to get the kids ready for bed. After adding that cup of sorbet to my food log I ended up under my daily calorie (if only for 11 calories). I am happy to say I am officially back on the wagon, not that I was ever really "off". I was very worried I would start making excuses or start procrastinating like I have done in the past. I don't really feel "back on the wagon" yet. That won't happen until I get back to my usual workout routine on Wednesday.
Good night everyone. :)
Today didn't quite go as planned. I was very excited to go to the gym today and get back into my usual workout routine. I arrived at my clients at 9:45am, which is earlier than I usually get there. I figured it would take me anywhere from 2-4 hours to finish the work that needed to be done. Unfortunately, I didn't realize how much work there was to do. When I finally finished everything and left it was already 5:30pm. That only gave me thirty minutes until I had to pick up my six year old from day care, which was no where near enough time to go to the gym beforehand.
Tomorrow I will be working in Lucas Valley all day at my Tuesday client's office and there is no way I will have enough time to go to the gym. I will have to wait until Wednesday which is a bummer but what are you gonna do...? At least I am feeling much better.
For breakfast today I ate a bowl of cereal. We were out of my usual Special K so I had to eat some Chocolate Toast Crunch my bf bought for our kids. I was so busy at work I didn't stop to make my lunch. Instead, I ate two servings of sourdough nibbler pretzels. For dinner I cooked some tacos using 96% lean ground beef from Trader Joes (plus the taco sauce and seasonings I cook the meat with), Mirancho organic corn tortillas, and 2% shredded jack & cheddar cheese. After dinner I had a sweet craving and really wanted to eat a couple of the kid's Double Stuff Oreos (another food their father bought for them). I decided I would calculate my food for the day to see if there was even an option of having dessert. I am very happy I did that because it turned out I only had around 70 calories left for the day. I could have eaten one Oreo but instead I opted for a small bowl of Haagen Daaz Lemon Sorbet (1/4 cup).
It is time for me to get the kids ready for bed. After adding that cup of sorbet to my food log I ended up under my daily calorie (if only for 11 calories). I am happy to say I am officially back on the wagon, not that I was ever really "off". I was very worried I would start making excuses or start procrastinating like I have done in the past. I don't really feel "back on the wagon" yet. That won't happen until I get back to my usual workout routine on Wednesday.
Good night everyone. :)
Sunday, June 29, 2014
Day 56
Sunday, June 29, 2014 @ 12:05pm
On Friday I attempted the juice cleanse again. Once again I made it through the entire day by only drinking the juices provided. I started drinking the juices around noon though and was only able to finish five of them by the end of the day. I was so hungry I tried chugging the fifth drink and ended up making myself feel sick.
I went to bed around 10:30pm feeling very hungry, tired, with a headache. Overall I felt pretty crummy. Just the thought of drinking the cucumber/spinach/kale/parsley drink for breakfast made me sick to my stomach. I wasn't sure how I was going to manage, especially since I had a funeral to go to the following day. I decided not to worry about it and try to get some rest. I was woken up at midnight and was so hungry and miserable I could will myself back to sleep. I gave in and ate a small bowl of Frosted Mini Wheats which made me feel much better. But I didn't stop there. I then grabbed a piece of the pepperoni pizza my mom had ordered earlier that night and popped it in the microwave for a few seconds just to warm it up a bit, It wasn't the pizza I was craving but the pepperoni. My stomach had shrank from not eating much of anything for five days so I wasn't able to eat much of the pizza- about half of it.
After eating I felt better but was kind of disappointed that I had given in to the hunger. I figured I could still continue the juice cleanse the following morning but that didn't exactly happen. I woke up around 7am feeling much better than the previous few days and I was sure it was in part due to eating my midnight snack. I took the last six juices out of the freezer, leaving juice 1 and 2 on the counter to defrost quickly and juices 3-6 in the fridge. Around 8am I cooked up Swedish pancakes for my kid's breakfast. I was starting to get pretty hungry but my juices had not defrosted yet. By 11am I was really hungry and the juices were still pretty frozen. My boyfriend arrived at my house a little past noon to pick up the kids and I to head to the funeral. The juices still weren't defrosted and the hungry was really starting to bother me. I decided to forgo the juices and opted to pack a small lunch for the kids and I consisting of raspberries, carrots, crackers, cheddar and turkey slices, and a few other snacks.
The drive to the funeral took about thirty minutes. In the car I ate the container of raspberries and they were soooooooo good. My boyfriend's father told us to get to the funeral hall by 1:30pm but when we arrived at 1:15pm no one was there yet. He called his aunt and found out the funeral didn't start until 2:00pm. It was starting to get pretty hot out so we found a bench in some shade and sat down to eat some lunch. The kid's weren't that hungry so they only ate a few crackers and turkey. I on the other hand was pretty hungry but only managed to eat a few crackers with turkey and cheese since my stomach had shrank so much.
The service was very nice. I was a little nervous that my six year old would have trouble sitting still but she did amazingly well. After the service everyone went to my boyfriend's aunt's house where they served a delicious feast of barbecued chicken, caesar salad, homemade chili, pasta salad, and warm dinner rolls. I started out with a small caesar salad (which was delicious!!). My older daughter filled up on a large bowl of chili so she didn't touch the chicken on her plate. Not wanting the chicken to go to waste (wink wink) I started picking at it. It was cooked beautifully and tasted wonderful. My six year old fought me over the skin, which was the best part.
After dinner they served cookies. I told my kids they would have ONE and they of course managed to con their great uncle into giving them a second and then third. There were a bunch of kids there and they all put their feet in the pool to cool off as the day went on.
We ended up heading home around 6:30pm. By the time we got home everyone was pretty tired so we rented the Lego Movie and relaxed on the couch for a bit. I barbecued a couple little steaks but only my younger daughter and i were hungry. After putting the kids to bed my boyfriend and I watched Pain and Gain (which is a pretty weird movie) and I eventually went to bed around 1am.
The kids were bummed that they couldn't swim in the pool yesterday so we agreed to take them swimming today. My boyfriend is picking us up in twenty minutes so I actually need to start getting ready. Starting tomorrow I should be back to my usual self and that means back to my low fat diet and daily exercise.
On Friday I attempted the juice cleanse again. Once again I made it through the entire day by only drinking the juices provided. I started drinking the juices around noon though and was only able to finish five of them by the end of the day. I was so hungry I tried chugging the fifth drink and ended up making myself feel sick.
I went to bed around 10:30pm feeling very hungry, tired, with a headache. Overall I felt pretty crummy. Just the thought of drinking the cucumber/spinach/kale/parsley drink for breakfast made me sick to my stomach. I wasn't sure how I was going to manage, especially since I had a funeral to go to the following day. I decided not to worry about it and try to get some rest. I was woken up at midnight and was so hungry and miserable I could will myself back to sleep. I gave in and ate a small bowl of Frosted Mini Wheats which made me feel much better. But I didn't stop there. I then grabbed a piece of the pepperoni pizza my mom had ordered earlier that night and popped it in the microwave for a few seconds just to warm it up a bit, It wasn't the pizza I was craving but the pepperoni. My stomach had shrank from not eating much of anything for five days so I wasn't able to eat much of the pizza- about half of it.
After eating I felt better but was kind of disappointed that I had given in to the hunger. I figured I could still continue the juice cleanse the following morning but that didn't exactly happen. I woke up around 7am feeling much better than the previous few days and I was sure it was in part due to eating my midnight snack. I took the last six juices out of the freezer, leaving juice 1 and 2 on the counter to defrost quickly and juices 3-6 in the fridge. Around 8am I cooked up Swedish pancakes for my kid's breakfast. I was starting to get pretty hungry but my juices had not defrosted yet. By 11am I was really hungry and the juices were still pretty frozen. My boyfriend arrived at my house a little past noon to pick up the kids and I to head to the funeral. The juices still weren't defrosted and the hungry was really starting to bother me. I decided to forgo the juices and opted to pack a small lunch for the kids and I consisting of raspberries, carrots, crackers, cheddar and turkey slices, and a few other snacks.
The drive to the funeral took about thirty minutes. In the car I ate the container of raspberries and they were soooooooo good. My boyfriend's father told us to get to the funeral hall by 1:30pm but when we arrived at 1:15pm no one was there yet. He called his aunt and found out the funeral didn't start until 2:00pm. It was starting to get pretty hot out so we found a bench in some shade and sat down to eat some lunch. The kid's weren't that hungry so they only ate a few crackers and turkey. I on the other hand was pretty hungry but only managed to eat a few crackers with turkey and cheese since my stomach had shrank so much.
The service was very nice. I was a little nervous that my six year old would have trouble sitting still but she did amazingly well. After the service everyone went to my boyfriend's aunt's house where they served a delicious feast of barbecued chicken, caesar salad, homemade chili, pasta salad, and warm dinner rolls. I started out with a small caesar salad (which was delicious!!). My older daughter filled up on a large bowl of chili so she didn't touch the chicken on her plate. Not wanting the chicken to go to waste (wink wink) I started picking at it. It was cooked beautifully and tasted wonderful. My six year old fought me over the skin, which was the best part.
After dinner they served cookies. I told my kids they would have ONE and they of course managed to con their great uncle into giving them a second and then third. There were a bunch of kids there and they all put their feet in the pool to cool off as the day went on.
We ended up heading home around 6:30pm. By the time we got home everyone was pretty tired so we rented the Lego Movie and relaxed on the couch for a bit. I barbecued a couple little steaks but only my younger daughter and i were hungry. After putting the kids to bed my boyfriend and I watched Pain and Gain (which is a pretty weird movie) and I eventually went to bed around 1am.
The kids were bummed that they couldn't swim in the pool yesterday so we agreed to take them swimming today. My boyfriend is picking us up in twenty minutes so I actually need to start getting ready. Starting tomorrow I should be back to my usual self and that means back to my low fat diet and daily exercise.
Thursday, June 26, 2014
Day 53 - Update & Weigh-In Results
6/26/14 - Thursday
-4.4 lbs
-4.4 lbs
Somehow the dates on my blog posts got kind of messed up. When I have some free time I'll go back and try to fix them all. From now on, I'm going to start writing the date in the actual blog post.
So as you may have noticed, I haven't written a new post in a few days. That's because I was really sick. On Monday evening I came done with the flu and didn't get out of bed until last night. I started the juice cleanse on Monday but had to quit on Tuesday do to the fact that I was so sick. I am also bummed out that I lost the June 2014 Ultimate Accountability Challenge since I couldn't exercise on Tuesday, Wednesday, or today, and didn't log the Gatorade or few pretzels I ate on Tuesday and Wednesday.
It's been a rough few days. The only bright side was that I lost 4.4 lbs this weigh-in!!! I am looking forward to feeling better and getting back to my usual routine.
Monday, June 23, 2014
Day 1 of the Juice Cleanse
Today I am starting my very first juice cleanse. I opted for the 3-day cleanse from which I figured would be a lot easier that a 2-week or even a 1-week cleanse. There is an Urban Remedy shop right down the street from where I live. While walking my daughter to her friend's house yesterday afternoon we passed by the Urban Remedy store. I decided that we would stop by on the way back. Several months ago I looked into doing a juice cleanse and found Urban Remedy's website. I was a little surprised at how much the cleanse costs per day so I held off at the time. When we stopped inside yesterday I realized it was the perfect time to start a cleanse. I have eating healthy for almost two months now. Not only have I lost 20 pounds, I am also feeling better. I have more energy and just feel happier. There are several reasons I have wanted to try a juice cleanse, but the number one reason is to "cleanse" my body. It's like that saying "my body is my temple"... You have to take care of your body if you want health and happiness.
When I woke up this morning I was craving my usual breakfast of sugary cereal and a Red Bull energy drink for my morning caffeine, neither of which are permitted on my juice cleanse. Instead, I allowed myself one small cup of coffee with a little milk (I probably shouldn't have added the milk though). The juice cleanse instructions say to have a cup water with lemon first thing in the morning before you drink your first juice drink. The woman at the juice bar said I could have a little caffeine if needed but they don't recommend it. I usually have a sugar free energy drink in the morning. I figured coffee was better than the energy drink. After drinking some coffee I poured some fresh squeezed lemon juice into my water bottle. Then it was onto my first juice drink. The way the juice cleanse work is the juices come in packs of six. They are numbered 1 through 6 and you are supposed to take them in order throughout the day. The first juice of the day is called "Brainiac" and the ingredients are: cucumber, celery, spinach, parsley, and lemon...that's it, no added water or anything. I'll be honest...the Brainiac was absolutely disgusting. I tried a sip and the after taste was so strong and lasted for so long I wasn't sure I'd be able to down a whole bottle of the green sludge. But I am committed so I plugged my nose and started drinking. I was pretty proud that I was able to finish the whole bottle. Before I drank the juice I was feeling hungry and tired; afterwards I my hunger died down and I just feel good. It's like my body can tell that I just put a whole bunch of healthy crap in it.
Next up is the "Time Machine". This one consists of lemon, acai, cayenne, and stevia. This one is much better than the first one, although I still wouldn't say it tastes "good". You are supposed to drink a juice every two hours, even if you aren't hungry. If you wait until your hungry the juice won't be enough to satisfy your hunger and it will be harder to stick with it.
It is 12:00pm and I am on juice #2. I will check in throughout the day to let you know how it's going and to let you know how the juices taste.
When I woke up this morning I was craving my usual breakfast of sugary cereal and a Red Bull energy drink for my morning caffeine, neither of which are permitted on my juice cleanse. Instead, I allowed myself one small cup of coffee with a little milk (I probably shouldn't have added the milk though). The juice cleanse instructions say to have a cup water with lemon first thing in the morning before you drink your first juice drink. The woman at the juice bar said I could have a little caffeine if needed but they don't recommend it. I usually have a sugar free energy drink in the morning. I figured coffee was better than the energy drink. After drinking some coffee I poured some fresh squeezed lemon juice into my water bottle. Then it was onto my first juice drink. The way the juice cleanse work is the juices come in packs of six. They are numbered 1 through 6 and you are supposed to take them in order throughout the day. The first juice of the day is called "Brainiac" and the ingredients are: cucumber, celery, spinach, parsley, and lemon...that's it, no added water or anything. I'll be honest...the Brainiac was absolutely disgusting. I tried a sip and the after taste was so strong and lasted for so long I wasn't sure I'd be able to down a whole bottle of the green sludge. But I am committed so I plugged my nose and started drinking. I was pretty proud that I was able to finish the whole bottle. Before I drank the juice I was feeling hungry and tired; afterwards I my hunger died down and I just feel good. It's like my body can tell that I just put a whole bunch of healthy crap in it.
Next up is the "Time Machine". This one consists of lemon, acai, cayenne, and stevia. This one is much better than the first one, although I still wouldn't say it tastes "good". You are supposed to drink a juice every two hours, even if you aren't hungry. If you wait until your hungry the juice won't be enough to satisfy your hunger and it will be harder to stick with it.
It is 12:00pm and I am on juice #2. I will check in throughout the day to let you know how it's going and to let you know how the juices taste.
Thursday, June 19, 2014
Day 45 Check-In
Here's a recap of today:
This morning I decided to go for an uphill walk before work. I wanted to go for a run but figured it was too hot. I ended up walking while talking on the phone for about 15-20 minutes. A good friend of mine moved to New Orleans a year ago and she is about to give birth to her second child. I hadn't spoken to her in several weeks so it was really nice to catch up. As soon as I got off the phone I started my uphill walk (I had waited since I didn't want to be out od breath while talking). On the way back down on the backside of the hill I decided to run and kept running until I got back home. I walked around the block once to cool down and then went inside to stretch.
I had wanted to get to work around 10:30 or 11:00am but didn't actually get there until 12:00pm. It actually worked out though. I finished work at 4pm but realized the accounting program was having some issues. It turned out the program was corrupted and it took me another two and a half hours to fix. I left at 6:30pm and still had to stop at the grocery store. I was very happy I had already completed my daily workout since I didn't have time to go to the gym after work.
For dinner I grilled some Top Sirloin Filets from Trader Joe's and had a side spinach salad that was very good. For breakfast I had cereal (Frosted Mini Wheats), and a cup of coffee. During my run I drank G2 Fruit Punch Gatorade (about 8 ounces). When I got home I ate my mid morning snack: medium Gala apple. Around 1:30pm I ate lunch: Smart Ones Mesquite Chicken, and then ate my mid afternoon snack around 5pm: 2 servings of baby carrots. After dinner I was WAY under my daily calories so I ate a Skinny Cow ice cream sandwich.
By the time I went to bed I was craving something sweet so I ate 2.5 sugar free black licorice sticks Nd then a couple pieces of sugar free gum.
Today was a good day. I came in way under my daily calorie limit and I managed to workout even though it was a busy day.
Wednesday, June 18, 2014
-3.4 pounds
I am so stoked!! I honestly thought my weight loss had stopped or had seriously slowed down. I was shocked when I got on the scale this morning and saw my weight was 158.8 !!!!!! First, I am super stoked that if have now lost exactly 20 pounds!! I am also seriously stoked that I am back in the 150 range. I was really looking forward to getting below 160. Now all I have to do is get below 150 and then below 140.
I was so excited about my weight loss today I went to the gym this afternoon and busted some serious ass. I first ran on the treadmill for 30 minutes, then power-walked uphill for 30 minutes, and then did an hour on the stationary bike. I followed my cardio session with the usual stretching and strength training.
I'm trying to figure out what I did this past week that was different from the week before. I would love to keep seeing 3 lb losses every weekly weighin. Unfortunately I haven't been very good at keeping up with my blog posts lately, although I'm still entering everything I eat on MFP.
Tuesday, June 17, 2014
Day 43 - Evening Check-In
As you may have noticed, the past few days have been pretty busy. Between work, kids, exercise, (not to mention Father's Day) it's been hard to write daily updates.
I am happy to report that I haven't fallen off the wagon. I am also still in the UAC June 2014 challenge, which has not been easy. On Father's Day we went to the mall for most of the afternoon to do some shopping and to look for a Father's Day gift for my bf. At the mall I finally got my two prizes (10 lbs and 1 month). I bought an awesome new pair of running shoes, a new pair of sexy Calvin Klein heels, and some new clothes including a new cute dress from H&M. My bf came down around 6pm and we went to the new How to Train a Dragon 2 movie. Afterwards we had dinner at BJs Brewhouse. I ordered the sirloin steak (which was dry but seasoned very nicely) and a side of broccoli. We got home around 10pm and I still hadn't done my daily workout. I figured walking around the mall for three hours probably counted but that kind of felt like cheating. So, after putting my kids to bed I went on a run/walk to the grocery store.
On Saturday I went to the gym for two and a half hours where I tripled my usual cardio. Instead of doing one 30 min "weight loss" session on the elliptical I did two and then 30 minutes on the treadmill (plus strength training). On Sunday I went for that 30 min late run/walk I mentioned above. On Monday I had another great gym session where I did two 30 min intense "weight loss" sessions on the treadmill plus the usual strength training. Today I was running late for work but decided to go for a 3 mile run anyway. Tomorrow I don't have any clients scheduled so I'll probably go to the gym.
For dinner tonight I'm cooking tacos. For lunch I had a Smart Ones Chicken Alfredo meal (pretty good). For breakfast I had cereal.
Alright...it's 6:30pm and I have to start dinner. Super stoked about my weigh-in tomorrow!!
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
I am happy to report that I haven't fallen off the wagon. I am also still in the UAC June 2014 challenge, which has not been easy. On Father's Day we went to the mall for most of the afternoon to do some shopping and to look for a Father's Day gift for my bf. At the mall I finally got my two prizes (10 lbs and 1 month). I bought an awesome new pair of running shoes, a new pair of sexy Calvin Klein heels, and some new clothes including a new cute dress from H&M. My bf came down around 6pm and we went to the new How to Train a Dragon 2 movie. Afterwards we had dinner at BJs Brewhouse. I ordered the sirloin steak (which was dry but seasoned very nicely) and a side of broccoli. We got home around 10pm and I still hadn't done my daily workout. I figured walking around the mall for three hours probably counted but that kind of felt like cheating. So, after putting my kids to bed I went on a run/walk to the grocery store.
On Saturday I went to the gym for two and a half hours where I tripled my usual cardio. Instead of doing one 30 min "weight loss" session on the elliptical I did two and then 30 minutes on the treadmill (plus strength training). On Sunday I went for that 30 min late run/walk I mentioned above. On Monday I had another great gym session where I did two 30 min intense "weight loss" sessions on the treadmill plus the usual strength training. Today I was running late for work but decided to go for a 3 mile run anyway. Tomorrow I don't have any clients scheduled so I'll probably go to the gym.
For dinner tonight I'm cooking tacos. For lunch I had a Smart Ones Chicken Alfredo meal (pretty good). For breakfast I had cereal.
Alright...it's 6:30pm and I have to start dinner. Super stoked about my weigh-in tomorrow!!
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Saturday, June 14, 2014
Friday, June 13, 2014
Day 39 - Evening Update
This morning started out rough. By the time I left the house to go to the office I felt a little feverish. I think I was so stressed out I was literally making myself sick. When I got to yah office I immediately dove in and started getting work done. An hour later my assistant arrived and together we worked on getting things done. Slowly I started to feel better and by the end of the day I had made a huge dent in the work load. There are still a few items that need to be done but at least I'm not nearly as behind as I was. More importantly, I feel so much better. I don't feel sick anymore and I'm no where near as stressed out.
The kids didn't have daycare today so I decided I would bring them to the office with me. My assistant also didn't have a sitter so she brought her six year old daughter as well. It was a little hectic at the office with the kids running around all day but it worked out. My mom was supposed to pick up my kids at 3:30pm but that turned into 4:30pm. My assistant and I continued to work until 5pm and then she and her daughter headed out. I wrapped a few last minute items and left at 5:30pm. My six year old called me while I was packing up and asked what time I would be coming home. I said I was leaving and would be home in ten minutes. She explained that they were going to walk downtown to Joe's, a restaurant we frequent a lot, and that they would wait for me. I told her I would see her in ten minutes and hung up. After I got off the phone I started thinking about it. I really didn't want to go out to dinner. It's so hard to find lowfat food at restaurants. I usually have to guess how many calories and fat grams are in the food. I usually end up ordering a New York steak and splitting it with my daughter. The last time I did that though I experienced "treatment effects" from the Alli pills I take. I really didn't want to go through that again. I decided to text my mom and explain I would much rather barbecue steak for everyone then eat out and that I would stop at the store on the way home to grab some.
I went to Trader Joe's where I picked up some Top Sirloin Filets, veggies, fruit, and a roll of sourdough bread. When I got home I fired up the new barbecue (we got it a few days ago since the last one broke last weekend). I also cooked up a potato mix I got at Trader Joe's. I sliced the sourdough bread and layer everything out on the table. The food was amazing. The sirloin filets are amazing. We had them a week or two ago and the kids said they were the best steaks they ever had. They're a little pricey, $10.99/lb, but they're worth it. The potatoes also came out great. The only issue with dinner was that I bought and cooked WAY too much steak. Oh well, next time I cook for my mom and my kids I won't buy so much.
After dinner I was pretty tired but I still had to get in my twenty minutes of exercise or I'd fail the Ultimate Accountability Challenge I am doing. So my kids and I walked downtown to get ice cream (2 miles round trip). My older daughter got mango/orange sorbet, my younger daughter had mint chip, and I had lemon sorbet which was excellent. I took the wagon and pulled my younger daughter the entire 2 miles. My older daughter rode in the wagon for a quarter mile on the way back...that was quite an excercise. It was a great night for a walk. There was some art thing going on downtown so thee were more people out than usual. It was around 69 degrees which was perfect for a night time stroll.
All in all, today turned out to be a pretty good day. It didn't start out too well but I kept on truckin' and eventually the day got better. I am so happy I pushed myself this morning. If I hadn't I wouldn't have gotten anything done and I would then be REALLY stressed out. It would have been nice to get in a better workout but a two mile walk is much better than nothing at all.
I'm going to bed now. Night. xoxo.
Day 39 - Morning Check-In
Blah...that is how I feel this morning. I don't know if it's from sleeping in or if it's because I am tired from a long day of work. I just do not feel like being productive yet today. When I woke up this morning I started watching American Dad on Netflix. That was a mistake. Anytime I start my day with TV I always lose my motivation to do anything and I start feeling really lazy. In order to break that feeling I closed Netflix and came on here to write a blog update hoping it would motivate me to get up and start getting ready for work. Thank goodness I am meeting my assistant at my office today, otherwise I would probably skip work all together. I am behind on several client files and it's seriously stressing me out. Instead of sitting around and stressing, I find it easier to just not think about it. This philosophy has not worked very well in the past.
Alright...I've had clients call me all morning. There is no way I'm going to have time to exercise before going to the office. I'll just have to figure something out later this evening when I get home. Today hasn't started out great but I know if I get up, go to my office, and kick some ass, I can finish today felling good and productive.
Will check in later. Wish me luck. :)
Alright...I've had clients call me all morning. There is no way I'm going to have time to exercise before going to the office. I'll just have to figure something out later this evening when I get home. Today hasn't started out great but I know if I get up, go to my office, and kick some ass, I can finish today felling good and productive.
Will check in later. Wish me luck. :)
Day 38 Check-In
Quick check-in for today...
I went for a 3 mile run this morning. half of which was uphill. I still can't believe I was able to finish that run. Went to work, got off at 5pm. Went to the gym: 30 min on elliptical and 45 min of strength training.
Food Today:
2 Greek yogurts and 1.5 cups of strawberries
Sausage w/Pasta (Healthy Choices)
3 homemade tacos
After Dinner Snack:
Bowl of cereal
I was three points under my daily calories so I cut it pretty close. Going to work on that tomorrow.
Today was a crazy day, it was the kid's last day of school and I had to pick up my older daughter from school at noon. Tomorrow is the first day of summer break. I still have to work so the plan is to take the kids to the office with me.
I went for a 3 mile run this morning. half of which was uphill. I still can't believe I was able to finish that run. Went to work, got off at 5pm. Went to the gym: 30 min on elliptical and 45 min of strength training.
Food Today:
2 Greek yogurts and 1.5 cups of strawberries
Sausage w/Pasta (Healthy Choices)
3 homemade tacos
After Dinner Snack:
Bowl of cereal
I was three points under my daily calories so I cut it pretty close. Going to work on that tomorrow.
Today was a crazy day, it was the kid's last day of school and I had to pick up my older daughter from school at noon. Tomorrow is the first day of summer break. I still have to work so the plan is to take the kids to the office with me.
Wednesday, June 11, 2014
Day 37 - Afternoon Update
Yay, an afternoon update! I am usually too busy at work to post an update in the afternoon. The only reason I am doing it today I because the computer I am using is being really slow and I'm trying to multitask. :)
Today I had a GREAT run!! I pushes myself to run ever farther today and it felt great. Normally I run for 1.3 miles. Today I ran for almost 2 miles. I also power walked for 2 miles for a total of 4 miles!! On the walk back home I did some lunges up my hill (which burned like crazy). When I got home I stretched, did around 30 quick crunches, and then popped in the shower to start getting ready for work.
For breakfast today I tried eating a Greek yogurt but it tastes gross. I think the artificial sweetener in my RedBull messed with the flavor. I ended up eating a small bowl of cereal, half the amount I usually eat.
It is 3:13pm and I haven't actually had lunch yet. I am leaving my first client's and heading to my second client's office. I'll heat up my lunch once I get there. Since I'm having such a late lunch I have eaten two snacks: a Pink Lady apple this morning after my run and 1.5 servings of carrots around 1pm. I brought two more snacks with me: another apple and a cup of yogurt. For lunch I brought a Smart Ones: Mesquite Chicken micro meal.
While driving to my client's today I had a realization- Why would I even quit eating healthy and exercising??? I feel great and look great (if I do say so myself *wink *wink). I have tons of energy and am very happy. Before I started this new healthy lifestyle I was ALWAYS tired. On the weekends I would watch TV all day, too tired to do anything else. I took my kids to do fun things but usually later in the afternoon and no where near the amount I do now. I was fat, depressed, always tired, and insecure about my weight. Now I am happy, confident, energized, excited, and I LOVE all of the fun things I've been doing with my kids. I NEVER want to go back to my old life!!
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Today I had a GREAT run!! I pushes myself to run ever farther today and it felt great. Normally I run for 1.3 miles. Today I ran for almost 2 miles. I also power walked for 2 miles for a total of 4 miles!! On the walk back home I did some lunges up my hill (which burned like crazy). When I got home I stretched, did around 30 quick crunches, and then popped in the shower to start getting ready for work.
For breakfast today I tried eating a Greek yogurt but it tastes gross. I think the artificial sweetener in my RedBull messed with the flavor. I ended up eating a small bowl of cereal, half the amount I usually eat.
It is 3:13pm and I haven't actually had lunch yet. I am leaving my first client's and heading to my second client's office. I'll heat up my lunch once I get there. Since I'm having such a late lunch I have eaten two snacks: a Pink Lady apple this morning after my run and 1.5 servings of carrots around 1pm. I brought two more snacks with me: another apple and a cup of yogurt. For lunch I brought a Smart Ones: Mesquite Chicken micro meal.
While driving to my client's today I had a realization- Why would I even quit eating healthy and exercising??? I feel great and look great (if I do say so myself *wink *wink). I have tons of energy and am very happy. Before I started this new healthy lifestyle I was ALWAYS tired. On the weekends I would watch TV all day, too tired to do anything else. I took my kids to do fun things but usually later in the afternoon and no where near the amount I do now. I was fat, depressed, always tired, and insecure about my weight. Now I am happy, confident, energized, excited, and I LOVE all of the fun things I've been doing with my kids. I NEVER want to go back to my old life!!
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-1.6 pounds
Okay, so I was really hoping for a larger loss because I was working my butt off this past week but I am still happy with my weigh-in results today. I have read some weight loss blogs where the write only loses 0.2 pounds or 0.6 pounds a week (although they weren't working out every day like I am). Either way, 1.6 lbs is definitely a loss to be proud of.
I am wondering if my weight loss slowed because I haven't had time to make it to the gym 3-4 times a week like I was. I am still exercising everyday, just not 1 hour of cardio plus 1 hour of strength training. This week I am going to try and either go to the gym more or extend my runs to one hour and do some crunches, squats, lunges, and push-ups from home.
Today is going to be a crazy day. I have to go to a clients of mine in Lucas Valley (20 min drive). I then have to pick up my older daughter from school at 12:50pm (20 min). Then I need to go back to my clients (another 20 min) for another hour or so, and then off to see yet another client of mine. The only time I could possibly workout is this morning and even that is pushing it. So I have to go...going to try and get in quick run.
Will update later. :)
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Okay, so I was really hoping for a larger loss because I was working my butt off this past week but I am still happy with my weigh-in results today. I have read some weight loss blogs where the write only loses 0.2 pounds or 0.6 pounds a week (although they weren't working out every day like I am). Either way, 1.6 lbs is definitely a loss to be proud of.
I am wondering if my weight loss slowed because I haven't had time to make it to the gym 3-4 times a week like I was. I am still exercising everyday, just not 1 hour of cardio plus 1 hour of strength training. This week I am going to try and either go to the gym more or extend my runs to one hour and do some crunches, squats, lunges, and push-ups from home.
Today is going to be a crazy day. I have to go to a clients of mine in Lucas Valley (20 min drive). I then have to pick up my older daughter from school at 12:50pm (20 min). Then I need to go back to my clients (another 20 min) for another hour or so, and then off to see yet another client of mine. The only time I could possibly workout is this morning and even that is pushing it. So I have to go...going to try and get in quick run.
Will update later. :)
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Tuesday, June 10, 2014
Day 36 Update
It's been another one of those days. It's 11:13pm and I just finished the dishes from dinner tonight and updating my MFP profile and group.
Since I am exhausted I am going to cut to the chase...
This morning I went on a quick run before work. I am so happy that I did since I wouldn't have had time tonight.
One of my clients brought me on the replace their CFO nine months ago (this is the client I go to every Tuesday). Today we had a Sales Meeting followed by an Executive Meeting. The meeting started at 2:30pm and went until 6:30pm!! That's right... four hours long! I was late picking up my daughter and my iPhone was dead so I couldn't call ahead.
We stopped at the grocery store on the way home to pick up a few groceries and to pick up something for dinner. We didn't get home until 7:45pm. For dinner I baked a couple chicken breasts and for side dishes I cooked brown rice, black beans, broccoli, and some sourdough bread. I tried to get creative with the black beans and added to much garlic and too many spices. They turned out pretty disgusting. The rest of the food was delicious. I mostly ate chicken and broccoli. I has a small serving of rice and a tiny piece of bread.
Tonight I actually do feel pretty full and am not having those strong cravings I usually have at this time. The difference is how much I ate. I usually eat until I feel that "full" feeling. Tonight my kids were eating slow so I kept munching on broccoli rice and chicken after I felt full. I at until I was 100% sure I was stuffed. I guess that is the key...If you don't eat enough at dinner you'll be hungry an hour later.
Food Today:
Special K cereal w/nonfat milk
Greek yogurt
Smart Ones Three Cheese Ziti
Baby carrots
Brown rice
Black beans (they were pretty gross so I only ate a couple bites)
1/2 small slice of sourdough loaf
Tomorrow is my weigh-in!! I have been doing really well this past week so I am hoping I will see positive results on the scale. I have another full day tomorrow so I will have to go for a run before work again.
Time for bed... Hope everyone had a great day. I am sure I will post tomorrow morning after my weigh-in! Good night everyone. xoxo
Since I am exhausted I am going to cut to the chase...
This morning I went on a quick run before work. I am so happy that I did since I wouldn't have had time tonight.
One of my clients brought me on the replace their CFO nine months ago (this is the client I go to every Tuesday). Today we had a Sales Meeting followed by an Executive Meeting. The meeting started at 2:30pm and went until 6:30pm!! That's right... four hours long! I was late picking up my daughter and my iPhone was dead so I couldn't call ahead.
We stopped at the grocery store on the way home to pick up a few groceries and to pick up something for dinner. We didn't get home until 7:45pm. For dinner I baked a couple chicken breasts and for side dishes I cooked brown rice, black beans, broccoli, and some sourdough bread. I tried to get creative with the black beans and added to much garlic and too many spices. They turned out pretty disgusting. The rest of the food was delicious. I mostly ate chicken and broccoli. I has a small serving of rice and a tiny piece of bread.
Tonight I actually do feel pretty full and am not having those strong cravings I usually have at this time. The difference is how much I ate. I usually eat until I feel that "full" feeling. Tonight my kids were eating slow so I kept munching on broccoli rice and chicken after I felt full. I at until I was 100% sure I was stuffed. I guess that is the key...If you don't eat enough at dinner you'll be hungry an hour later.
Food Today:
Special K cereal w/nonfat milk
Greek yogurt
Smart Ones Three Cheese Ziti
Baby carrots
Brown rice
Black beans (they were pretty gross so I only ate a couple bites)
1/2 small slice of sourdough loaf
Tomorrow is my weigh-in!! I have been doing really well this past week so I am hoping I will see positive results on the scale. I have another full day tomorrow so I will have to go for a run before work again.
Time for bed... Hope everyone had a great day. I am sure I will post tomorrow morning after my weigh-in! Good night everyone. xoxo
Monday, June 9, 2014
Day 35 - Evening Update
I kicked some serious butt at the gym today. I started with 35 minutes on the elliptical but this time I really pushed myself and got in a great workout because of it. I then moved on to 10 minutes on the Stairmaster. I haven't used a Stairmaster in over a decade. My legs were already feeling wobbly from the elliptical but I pushed myself even harder to pump out 10 intense minutes on the Stairmaster. I then power walked on the treadmill for 6 minutes, followed by 15 minutes of stretching. I then pushed myself yet again on the rowing machine. I rowed for 15 minutes and can still feel the impact on my arms. I topped my workout off with 45 minutes or strength training. It was a GREAT workout and exactly what I needed.
After I left the gym I stopped at Subway for a sandwich. I ate my sandwich in my car with the AC blasting while watching the second half of an episode of House (I started it on Saturday morning). I drove over to Walgreens to pick up a few items (Father's Day cards, flip flops for my little one, nicotine gum...). When I left the comfort of the air conditioned store I was blasted by the heat from outside. As I walked across the hot asphalt parking lot back to my car I felt like I was melting. I REALLY didn't feel like going to my office, after all, it was almost 4pm- How much work was I going to get done in an hour?? So decided to surprise my kids by picking them early and taking them to the pool. I stopped at home to grab our swim suits and pool gear and set off to pick up my kids. They were SO happy to go to the pool. They were exhausted from the heat and were stoked they would get to cool off in the pool.
When we got to the pool it was "adult swim". After changing into swim suits and slathering sunblock all over ourselves the life guards whistles went off announcing it was "free swim" again. At this point it was 5:00pm and we had exactly one hour to swim before the pool closed.
The water felt amazing. I know we went to the pool yesterday (which was also nice) but today we all really needed to cool off after a long hot day. I played with my kids for the full hour and after it was up we packed up and headed back to the car. I normally stop and get the kids ice cream after we go swimming but I warned the kids before going today that we would not be able to get ice cream afterward since it would be too close to dinner. I had planned on stopping at Trader Joe's for some groceries and something for dinner but after my long workout and a swim I was exhausted!! The kids were begging me for Taco Bell and I decided that would be okay. They haven't had fast food in over a month and the beans and chips they order from Taco Bell aren't nearly bad as burgers and fries from McDonalds. At home, as the kids ate their Taco Bell, I reheated the remaining taco meat from Saturday night's dinner and had tacos.
Food for today:
Greek yogurt w/ 6 ounces of raspberries
1.5 servings of baby carrots
6" turkey sandwich from Subway
1 large Fuji Apple
Tacos :)
I also had Gatorade with my workout and 3 mini rice cakes at the pool. I burned so many calories today I am seriously under my daily limit. As always I am craving a bowl of cereal right now but it's 10:30pm and I have been really good about not eating past 8:00pm (basically after I have dinner). If I was going to eat a bowl of cereal I should have done it earlier. I do feel quite hungry right now but I am REALLY trying to get out of the bad habit of eating right before bed or in the middle of the night. I am going to try and hang in there. I could also always eat an apple...
Alright....time for bed. Good night everyone. :)
After I left the gym I stopped at Subway for a sandwich. I ate my sandwich in my car with the AC blasting while watching the second half of an episode of House (I started it on Saturday morning). I drove over to Walgreens to pick up a few items (Father's Day cards, flip flops for my little one, nicotine gum...). When I left the comfort of the air conditioned store I was blasted by the heat from outside. As I walked across the hot asphalt parking lot back to my car I felt like I was melting. I REALLY didn't feel like going to my office, after all, it was almost 4pm- How much work was I going to get done in an hour?? So decided to surprise my kids by picking them early and taking them to the pool. I stopped at home to grab our swim suits and pool gear and set off to pick up my kids. They were SO happy to go to the pool. They were exhausted from the heat and were stoked they would get to cool off in the pool.
When we got to the pool it was "adult swim". After changing into swim suits and slathering sunblock all over ourselves the life guards whistles went off announcing it was "free swim" again. At this point it was 5:00pm and we had exactly one hour to swim before the pool closed.
The water felt amazing. I know we went to the pool yesterday (which was also nice) but today we all really needed to cool off after a long hot day. I played with my kids for the full hour and after it was up we packed up and headed back to the car. I normally stop and get the kids ice cream after we go swimming but I warned the kids before going today that we would not be able to get ice cream afterward since it would be too close to dinner. I had planned on stopping at Trader Joe's for some groceries and something for dinner but after my long workout and a swim I was exhausted!! The kids were begging me for Taco Bell and I decided that would be okay. They haven't had fast food in over a month and the beans and chips they order from Taco Bell aren't nearly bad as burgers and fries from McDonalds. At home, as the kids ate their Taco Bell, I reheated the remaining taco meat from Saturday night's dinner and had tacos.
Food for today:
Greek yogurt w/ 6 ounces of raspberries
1.5 servings of baby carrots
6" turkey sandwich from Subway
1 large Fuji Apple
Tacos :)
I also had Gatorade with my workout and 3 mini rice cakes at the pool. I burned so many calories today I am seriously under my daily limit. As always I am craving a bowl of cereal right now but it's 10:30pm and I have been really good about not eating past 8:00pm (basically after I have dinner). If I was going to eat a bowl of cereal I should have done it earlier. I do feel quite hungry right now but I am REALLY trying to get out of the bad habit of eating right before bed or in the middle of the night. I am going to try and hang in there. I could also always eat an apple...
Alright....time for bed. Good night everyone. :)
Day 35 - Morning Check-In
Good morning everyone. It is 7:43am and we are in our was home after dropping off my older daughter at school. This morning I got up and decided to try a new flavor of Greek yogurt: honey blended. It was gross! It tasted like plain yogurt, but somehow worse. If you've read my earlier posts then you'll know that I'm not a huge fan of yogurt and just started eating it again. I am not ready for plain yogurt as it tastes absolutely disgusting to me. I thought the honey blended one would be sweetened with honey. I'm sure there probably a tiny bit of honey in it, just not enough to actually sweeten it. I'll have to check to see what other flavors I have.
Today's Plan: After I drop off my little one at school I'll go to the gym for some cardio and strength training. I just checked the gym's class scheduled and it looks like they have a strength training session at 9:30am and a Yoga-lates (Yoga mixed with Pilates) at 10:30am. I've been wanting to take a yoga class so maybe I'll give that one a go.
Have a great day everyone. For those of you in the Bay Area, it's going to be another HOT one. :)
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Today's Plan: After I drop off my little one at school I'll go to the gym for some cardio and strength training. I just checked the gym's class scheduled and it looks like they have a strength training session at 9:30am and a Yoga-lates (Yoga mixed with Pilates) at 10:30am. I've been wanting to take a yoga class so maybe I'll give that one a go.
Have a great day everyone. For those of you in the Bay Area, it's going to be another HOT one. :)
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Sunday, June 8, 2014
Day 34 - Evening Update
Today was a great day. I woke up, relaxed for a bit by watching an episode of Sherlock Homes on Netflix (season three just came out!, did some laundry, went to the pool with the kids, took the kids for ice cream, came home and cooked "family" dinner (for myself, my kids, my mom, and my brother), and then went on a great evening run. I just went on to MFP to update the UAC group and now I am about to take a shower.
Today's Food Journal:
Container of raspberries
Left over tacos
2.5 servings of carrots
Cheeseburgers (lean ground beef w/lowfat cheddar)
8 grilled aspargus
Tomorrow's goals:
1. To eat protein for breakfast again
2. To get in a strength training session at the gym (and cardio of course)
3. To continue to not drink soda
4. To continue not having desserts (the lowfat ones I was eating)
5. To post my measurements
Good night everyone. xoxo
Today's Food Journal:
Container of raspberries
Left over tacos
2.5 servings of carrots
Cheeseburgers (lean ground beef w/lowfat cheddar)
8 grilled aspargus
Tomorrow's goals:
1. To eat protein for breakfast again
2. To get in a strength training session at the gym (and cardio of course)
3. To continue to not drink soda
4. To continue not having desserts (the lowfat ones I was eating)
5. To post my measurements
Good night everyone. xoxo
Day 34 - Morning Check-In
Good morning. As I mentioned before, I have reading the book "The Doctor's Diet" and I have found a lot of useful tips in it. One of the tips was to eat protein and fruit for breakfast. For the last few days I have wanted to try this but every morning I wake up I crave cereal. This morning I woke up and, like always, craved cereal. I remembered that I had wanted to try eating a protein rich food instead and my initial reaction was to put it off until tomorrow. But then I remembered that today is Sunday and if I wake up a little late tomorrow (Monday) I will have to grab something quick which will most likely be cereal. If I am going to start switching it up, a weekend morning is the best time to start.
In the book there's a list of food that's high in protein. Most of the foods on the list are not what I could consider "breakfast foods", for example: chicken, turkey, meat,fish, and beans. The only foods I could imagine having with breakfast are: milk, eggs, and yogurt. The problem was, after my first pregnancy I stopped eating eggs and after my second one I stopped eating yogurt. Both foods grossed me out due to the experiences I had with them while pregnant.
One of the things I have noticed since I started eating healthier is that my preferences are changing. When I started this diet I wasn't a big fan of broccoli or asparagus. I ate them because they were healthy, not because I enjoyed them. One of the other tips from the book is to slowly eat your food to enjoy all of the flavors. The books says that your tastebuds will go through a trasformation after you cut out the processed foods and sugary foods from your diet-- you may even enjoy some healthy foods that you used to dislike.
I decided that I would yogurt another go last week and bought several flavors of Yoplait that I used to like (orange, lemon, and lime). I also bought several containers of Greek yogurt, something I've never done before. Last Thursday I brought a vanilla Greek yogurt with me to a clients as one of my snacks. I paired the yogurt with a cup of fresh raspberries. I was shocked out how freakin' good it was! Since then, I have not eaten my usual snack of pretzels and instead of yogurt with raspberries.
So back to this morning (wow, kind of got off in a tangent there)... When I woke up I craved cereal and did NOT feel like yogurt. I was tired and I wanted to grab something and go sit down so I could enjoy my morning caffeine. I knew that today was the best day to start eating protein in a.m. but I really didn't feel like it. But then I remembed that it was that type of thinking that got me into this mess in the first place so I grabbed a cup of yogurt and my caffeine and came back here to sit down. I didn't grab the raspberries because, even though I'm hungry in the morning, I can't eat a lot. The yogurt I chose was Dannon Light & Fit Greek Raspberry Chocolate. It wasn't bad but it wasn't a favorite of mine. I ate the entire container and will be focusing on how I feel for the next couple hours. I ate the yogurt at 8am and it's already 11am and I am not hungry at all. Maybe eating protein in the morning is better. The next step will be trying some scrambled egg whites for breakfast. I haven't eaten eggs in over twelve years so I have no idea how it will go.
For those of you interested, here is the list of protein rich roods:
In the book there's a list of food that's high in protein. Most of the foods on the list are not what I could consider "breakfast foods", for example: chicken, turkey, meat,fish, and beans. The only foods I could imagine having with breakfast are: milk, eggs, and yogurt. The problem was, after my first pregnancy I stopped eating eggs and after my second one I stopped eating yogurt. Both foods grossed me out due to the experiences I had with them while pregnant.
One of the things I have noticed since I started eating healthier is that my preferences are changing. When I started this diet I wasn't a big fan of broccoli or asparagus. I ate them because they were healthy, not because I enjoyed them. One of the other tips from the book is to slowly eat your food to enjoy all of the flavors. The books says that your tastebuds will go through a trasformation after you cut out the processed foods and sugary foods from your diet-- you may even enjoy some healthy foods that you used to dislike.
I decided that I would yogurt another go last week and bought several flavors of Yoplait that I used to like (orange, lemon, and lime). I also bought several containers of Greek yogurt, something I've never done before. Last Thursday I brought a vanilla Greek yogurt with me to a clients as one of my snacks. I paired the yogurt with a cup of fresh raspberries. I was shocked out how freakin' good it was! Since then, I have not eaten my usual snack of pretzels and instead of yogurt with raspberries.
So back to this morning (wow, kind of got off in a tangent there)... When I woke up I craved cereal and did NOT feel like yogurt. I was tired and I wanted to grab something and go sit down so I could enjoy my morning caffeine. I knew that today was the best day to start eating protein in a.m. but I really didn't feel like it. But then I remembed that it was that type of thinking that got me into this mess in the first place so I grabbed a cup of yogurt and my caffeine and came back here to sit down. I didn't grab the raspberries because, even though I'm hungry in the morning, I can't eat a lot. The yogurt I chose was Dannon Light & Fit Greek Raspberry Chocolate. It wasn't bad but it wasn't a favorite of mine. I ate the entire container and will be focusing on how I feel for the next couple hours. I ate the yogurt at 8am and it's already 11am and I am not hungry at all. Maybe eating protein in the morning is better. The next step will be trying some scrambled egg whites for breakfast. I haven't eaten eggs in over twelve years so I have no idea how it will go.
For those of you interested, here is the list of protein rich roods:
1 cup milk:
8 (grams) of protein
1 cup soy
milk: 6-8 grams
1 large egg:
6 grams
1 large egg
white: 4 grams
½ cup
low-fat cottage cheese: 12-15 grams
3 ounces
meat: 21 grams
8 ounces of
plain, low-fat yogurt: 14 grams
½ cup cooked
beans (black, kidney, etc…): 7-8 grams
½ cup cooked
lentils: 9 grams
½ cup
chickpeas: 6 grams
3 ounces
chicken or turkey: 24-27 grams
3 ounces
sirloin steak: 18-21 grams
3 ounces
tofu: 6-13 grams
Today is supposed to be HOT. The weather app on my iPhone says it supposed to be around 95 degrees today! I wasn't sure what we were going to do today but after seeing how hot it's going to be I am leaning towards going to the beach or going to the pool. I have really wanted to go stand-up paddle boarding. Maybe today will be the day.
Today's food plan:
Mid-Morning Snack: Raspberries
Lunch: Left over tacos or micro meal
Mid-Day Snack: Apple and carrots
Dinner: Cheeseburgers w/ 85% ground beef (the butcher said it's actually leaner than 90%), w/Trader Joe's lowfat white cheddar cheese, and a side of grilled asparagus or artichokes. I also bought some kale I've been wanting to try so maybe I'll cook some of that up. I also have some romaine that needs to be eaten before it goes bad so I might also make a salad. If my family is coming over for dinner I will have to check to see if they can all eat red meat...If not I'll just cook chicken. :)
Alright, I'm off to do some housework and finish my laundry. Have a great Sunday everyone!!! xoxo
Saturday, June 7, 2014
Day 33 - Evening Check-In
So I was kinda bummed. I got a message on MFP saying that I was dropped accidentally from the UAC (Ultimate Accountability Challenge). The sender asked me to rejoin if I was dropped in error. I replied letting him know it was an error and that I would rejoin right away. I spent the next five minutes searching all of the groups on MFP and could not find the UAC June 2014 challenge. I am pretty sure that was because it was a closed group and you only see those if you are in them. I emailed the guy who dropped me back to ask for a link or something since I was unable to find the group to rejoin. I explained that this was my first challenge and I had been working out every day because of the challenge. I asked him to please find a way of sending me a link or adding me back since I was really hoping to complete my first challenge on MFP. I sent the email last night and have not heard back.
I seriously hope that I'm added back but either way, I am going to complete the challenge, if not with the actual group than on my own. When I set out to do something I want to finish what I start. Speaking of...Today my brother stopped by the house at 1:30pm and asked to take the kids on a walk downtown to the art store. He said they would be back in 1-1.5 hours. I figured I had just enough time to get ready and go for a quick run... The only problem was that it was pretty hot out and I have been known to faint when I get too hot. I have never done that well in the heat. Usually I just feel crappy and super uncomfortable but there have been a few occasions that I actually have fainted. In the past I wouldn't go for a walk or hike in the heat let alone a run. But I wasn't sure I would have another chance to workout today so I figured I would give it a try. If it turned out to be too hot I would just settle for a good walk. If I was still too hot I could go home but at least I would have tried.
So at 2:00pm I set out for a run. This is only my third day in a row running (I usually go to the gym) and I decided to go on my usual route. I power walk for 1.6 miles and then run back the 1.6 miles home. During the first half of my workout, during the power walk phase, I noticed there was very little shade since the sun was directly overhead. I seriously doubted i would be able to run (I wasn't even sure I would be able to finish the power walk). When I got to the cemetery (which is the 1.6 mark on a dead-end road) I found a small patch of shade where I drank some Gatorade, wiped off some of the sweat on my forehead, and cooled off for about 60 seconds before turning around and set off on my run. About fifty feet into the run I again seriously doubted I would be able to go much further. Not only was I overheating, I was also sore from my previous two days runs. But I kept going and kept pushing myself and before I knew it I was at the half way mark. At that point I said to myself "I can do this!" The second half of the run was much harder than the first and the last quarter mile was the worse. I just kept pushing myself and telling myself I could do it. By the time I rounded the last turn and could see the end my route I was really struggling. But I kept pushing myself and was able to complete the 1.6 miles back.
I was so proud of myself! I never thought I would be able to accomplish something like that...I didn't know I had it in me. I figured I would give up but I kept going. It's amazing what you can do when you put your mind to it.
Food for today:
Honey Bunches of Oats w/Greek Yogurt & Mixed Berried (w/ nonfat milk)
Greek vanilla yogurt w/ 6 ounces of raspberries
Tacos (so good!) made w/96% ground beef, organic corn tortillas (cooked in a tbspn of oil), and 1/8 cup 2% Mexican blend shredded cheese
Looking back I noticed I didn't eat ANY vegetables today...oops.
I have been reading that Doctors Diet book and have started incorporating a lot of the advice from it, mainly to cut as much sugar from my diet as possible. I am no longer having dessert after lunch of after dinner. The first day was pretty hard but it's gotten easier since (I am on day 3-4). The next change I made was to stop drinking diet soda. The third change was to eat more vegetables throughout the day (that didn't work well today though). The fourth change I made was to only eat the following three kinds of fruit for two weeks (I'm on day 2): berries, apple, or grapefruit. The fifth change I made was to eat more protein (I'm on day 3)- you will notice I know eat yogurt at a snack instead of pretzels. The other changes I'm trying to make are: eat one serving of complex carbs a day (which is very hard) and eat at least 25g of fiber a day.
I know that's a lot of changes to make and I'm not going to be really strict with all of them, for example, I still drank a sugar free RedBull this morning (8 ounce can). Some of these changes are more immediate (fruit and protein) and some are more gradual (fiber and carbs). As I mentioned in an earlier post, you can see my entire food journal for the past 33 days on MyFitnessPal.com (mu username is NicoleMarie001).
Alright, it's 8:07pm and I have to get the dishes started. Hope everyone's having a good weekend so far. :)
I seriously hope that I'm added back but either way, I am going to complete the challenge, if not with the actual group than on my own. When I set out to do something I want to finish what I start. Speaking of...Today my brother stopped by the house at 1:30pm and asked to take the kids on a walk downtown to the art store. He said they would be back in 1-1.5 hours. I figured I had just enough time to get ready and go for a quick run... The only problem was that it was pretty hot out and I have been known to faint when I get too hot. I have never done that well in the heat. Usually I just feel crappy and super uncomfortable but there have been a few occasions that I actually have fainted. In the past I wouldn't go for a walk or hike in the heat let alone a run. But I wasn't sure I would have another chance to workout today so I figured I would give it a try. If it turned out to be too hot I would just settle for a good walk. If I was still too hot I could go home but at least I would have tried.

Food for today:
Honey Bunches of Oats w/Greek Yogurt & Mixed Berried (w/ nonfat milk)
Greek vanilla yogurt w/ 6 ounces of raspberries
Tacos (so good!) made w/96% ground beef, organic corn tortillas (cooked in a tbspn of oil), and 1/8 cup 2% Mexican blend shredded cheese
Looking back I noticed I didn't eat ANY vegetables today...oops.
I have been reading that Doctors Diet book and have started incorporating a lot of the advice from it, mainly to cut as much sugar from my diet as possible. I am no longer having dessert after lunch of after dinner. The first day was pretty hard but it's gotten easier since (I am on day 3-4). The next change I made was to stop drinking diet soda. The third change was to eat more vegetables throughout the day (that didn't work well today though). The fourth change I made was to only eat the following three kinds of fruit for two weeks (I'm on day 2): berries, apple, or grapefruit. The fifth change I made was to eat more protein (I'm on day 3)- you will notice I know eat yogurt at a snack instead of pretzels. The other changes I'm trying to make are: eat one serving of complex carbs a day (which is very hard) and eat at least 25g of fiber a day.
I know that's a lot of changes to make and I'm not going to be really strict with all of them, for example, I still drank a sugar free RedBull this morning (8 ounce can). Some of these changes are more immediate (fruit and protein) and some are more gradual (fiber and carbs). As I mentioned in an earlier post, you can see my entire food journal for the past 33 days on MyFitnessPal.com (mu username is NicoleMarie001).
Alright, it's 8:07pm and I have to get the dishes started. Hope everyone's having a good weekend so far. :)
Friday, June 6, 2014
Day 32 - Evening Update
It's 7:30pm and my younger daughter and I are at the grocery store getting a few items for dinner... We couldn't decide between tacos and steak. I left it up to the kids and I think they finally decided...steak.
We're at the expensive grocery store because they have the BEST produce. I was buying my produce from Safeway until I bought some apples from this store and was amazed at out freakin good they were!!! It was then I vowed to buy all my fruit here. It doesn't always work out that way but when I do manage to get over here it's always worth it. To avoid stopping at another grocery store I decided to buy dinner here.
Alright...my daughter was using the bathroom so I came on here to write a post cause I was bored. Now she's done and I gotta go. :) xoxo
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We're at the expensive grocery store because they have the BEST produce. I was buying my produce from Safeway until I bought some apples from this store and was amazed at out freakin good they were!!! It was then I vowed to buy all my fruit here. It doesn't always work out that way but when I do manage to get over here it's always worth it. To avoid stopping at another grocery store I decided to buy dinner here.
Alright...my daughter was using the bathroom so I came on here to write a post cause I was bored. Now she's done and I gotta go. :) xoxo
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Day 32 - 1 Month Anniversary!!!
Exactly one month ago I woke up and took hold of my life and my health. Since then, I am eating healthier, lowered my daily caloric and fat intake, drastically cut down the amount of sweets and carbs I ate, exercised for at least 30 minutes 6-7 days a week, and cut down on sodas and caffeine (now I drink 90% water). I have been feeling great, better than I have in a long time. I have loads more energy and am doing more fun outside activities with my kids. On top of it all I lost 15 pounds!
This weekend I am going to do a little shopping. Since I hit two milestones (lost 10 lbs and made it to one month) I get to pick out two of my "prizes". I already know what one of them will be: new running shoes. I wanted to get my nails done for the second one but the upkeep is time consuming. If have to make an appointment (which lasts 1.5 hours) every two weeks. I don't have a lot of free time and when I do I use it to exercise. I don't want to miss three hours a month of exercise because I'm getting my nails done. I may get a pedicure instead. Or, what I've really wanted, is a new outfit. I love getting new clothes...but maybe I should wait until I drop a couple more sizes.
I am about to go for my morning run. Have a great day everyone!!! xoxo
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This weekend I am going to do a little shopping. Since I hit two milestones (lost 10 lbs and made it to one month) I get to pick out two of my "prizes". I already know what one of them will be: new running shoes. I wanted to get my nails done for the second one but the upkeep is time consuming. If have to make an appointment (which lasts 1.5 hours) every two weeks. I don't have a lot of free time and when I do I use it to exercise. I don't want to miss three hours a month of exercise because I'm getting my nails done. I may get a pedicure instead. Or, what I've really wanted, is a new outfit. I love getting new clothes...but maybe I should wait until I drop a couple more sizes.
I am about to go for my morning run. Have a great day everyone!!! xoxo
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Thursday, June 5, 2014
Day 31 Update
When I woke up this morning I did not think I would be able to exercise since I had such a busy day scheduled. After work I had to go to my daughter's Open House from 6pm-7pm. We would then need to go to the grocery store and go home and make dinner. I knew that it would be too late for a walk after dinner so I wasn't sure what to do. If I didn't exercise for at least 20 minutes I would fail the new June2014 challenge I am doing on MFP (MyFitnessPal).
I ended up deciding to go for a run BEFORE work. I normally get to my client's between 10am-10:30am. I knew that if I went on a run I would get there later than 10:30am but I also knew my client wouldn't mind. I hadn't been on a run in months and even then I could only run short distances at a time. I figured I would alternate between walking and running. I set off around 9am (after dropping my kids off at school). I started with power walking to a local cemetery which is 1.6 miles away. On the way back I decided to give jogging a try. I was so surprised when I jogged the WHOLE WAY BACK HOME. I didn't stop once!!! I was so proud of myself. I couldn't believe I could do that.
So tomorrow I want to wake up early (at 5:30am) and go for a run. In order to do that I have to go to bed ASAP. It's already 11:30pm which means I can still get six hours of sleep if I go to sleep right now.
Quick Daily Meal Summary:
*Breakfast: 2 cups Special K Fruit & Yogurt cereal w/nonfat milk (7:00am)
*Snack: 2 servings of baby carrots (11:00am)
*Snack: 1 nonfat Greek yogurt and 2 servings of raspberries (1:00pm)
*Lunch: Chicken Souza Enchiladas by Smart Ones (3:00pm)
*Dinner: 3 ounces baked chicken breast, 6 spears of asparagus, 1/2 cup white rice
Drinks today: 10-12 cups of water and 1 can diet 7-Up w/dinner
Good night everyone. xoxo
P.S. Tomorrow is my one month anniversary!! You know what that means...MEASUREMENTS!!! I am excited and nervous to post my updated measurements. Either way, I know I've been kicking @ss. Nite. :)
I ended up deciding to go for a run BEFORE work. I normally get to my client's between 10am-10:30am. I knew that if I went on a run I would get there later than 10:30am but I also knew my client wouldn't mind. I hadn't been on a run in months and even then I could only run short distances at a time. I figured I would alternate between walking and running. I set off around 9am (after dropping my kids off at school). I started with power walking to a local cemetery which is 1.6 miles away. On the way back I decided to give jogging a try. I was so surprised when I jogged the WHOLE WAY BACK HOME. I didn't stop once!!! I was so proud of myself. I couldn't believe I could do that.
So tomorrow I want to wake up early (at 5:30am) and go for a run. In order to do that I have to go to bed ASAP. It's already 11:30pm which means I can still get six hours of sleep if I go to sleep right now.
Quick Daily Meal Summary:
*Breakfast: 2 cups Special K Fruit & Yogurt cereal w/nonfat milk (7:00am)
*Snack: 2 servings of baby carrots (11:00am)
*Snack: 1 nonfat Greek yogurt and 2 servings of raspberries (1:00pm)
*Lunch: Chicken Souza Enchiladas by Smart Ones (3:00pm)
*Dinner: 3 ounces baked chicken breast, 6 spears of asparagus, 1/2 cup white rice
Drinks today: 10-12 cups of water and 1 can diet 7-Up w/dinner
Good night everyone. xoxo
P.S. Tomorrow is my one month anniversary!! You know what that means...MEASUREMENTS!!! I am excited and nervous to post my updated measurements. Either way, I know I've been kicking @ss. Nite. :)
Wednesday, June 4, 2014
Day 30 - Evening Update
Today has been a pretty good day, albeit a nonproductive one. I really should have spent more time working and less time reading diet blogs. The good news is: I FINALLY got my laptop back. Lol, it sounds like it was being repaired or something...Nope...it was just at my office and I was too busy to pick it up. :)
I started the day like I always do. I woke up, had breakfast (Special K cereal), and took my kids to school. Afterward I came home, read a little of The Doctor's Diet (a book my mom lent me- more on that later), and took a shower. At 10:30am I was back at my daughter's elementary school just in time to watch her school's dance showcase. The dance was fun to watch. My six year old had a blast and while we were waiting for the rest of the grades to go on, I chatted with some fellow parents.
After the dance I walked my daughter back to her classroom. I then headed back to my car which was parked a quarter mile away (it had taken me ten minutes to find a spot that close) and then I was off to the gym.
I had a fabulous workout. I first went on the elliptical machine for 35 minutes. I busted my butt and pushed myself harder than I usually do. I followed my cardio session with 15 minutes of stretching. I then moved on to 30 minutes of strength training (arms, back, abs, legs (including calves), and butt.
After showering off and dressing in some clean clothes, I went to my six year old's aftercare to see if she wanted to be picked up earlier (which she did). I took her to my office for a little while because I had a ton of work to do. Once again, instead of getting work done, I messed around online. Over the past several weeks I have read a ton of weight loss blogs. There are a couple that I absolutely love. Now that I have my computer back I can post links to these blogs on my blog! Yay.
My daughter and I left my office at 5:00pm. I had to pick up my older daughter who was at a friend's house. Instead of driving straight to the friend's house we drove home instead, picked up the dog, and walked to the friends house. Then the dog, my two daughter's, and I had a nice walk home. It was roughly 0.75 miles round trip so it wasn't a super long walk but it was nice nonetheless. It was the perfect weather for an early evening walk...warm but not too hot.
As soon as we got home I barbecued up some steak and steamed some broccoli. I LOVE steak and i thought that I wouldn't be able to eat it anymore with my new low fat diet. But, after doing a little research, I found that there are lean cut of steaks that are low in fat. Yesterday I bought the leanest steak I could find at Trader Joe's: Top Sirloin Filets. They were delicious!! They were cooked perfectly and were super juicy. My kids said it was the best steak they ever had. The only downside was the steak was a little pricey ($10.99/lb) but it was worth it. I will definitely be buying this again.
After dinner I did the dishes, got out my laptop, updated my groups on MFP, updated my food journal on MFP, and then came on Blogger to write this post.
That's it for now... xoxo
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I started the day like I always do. I woke up, had breakfast (Special K cereal), and took my kids to school. Afterward I came home, read a little of The Doctor's Diet (a book my mom lent me- more on that later), and took a shower. At 10:30am I was back at my daughter's elementary school just in time to watch her school's dance showcase. The dance was fun to watch. My six year old had a blast and while we were waiting for the rest of the grades to go on, I chatted with some fellow parents.
After the dance I walked my daughter back to her classroom. I then headed back to my car which was parked a quarter mile away (it had taken me ten minutes to find a spot that close) and then I was off to the gym.
I had a fabulous workout. I first went on the elliptical machine for 35 minutes. I busted my butt and pushed myself harder than I usually do. I followed my cardio session with 15 minutes of stretching. I then moved on to 30 minutes of strength training (arms, back, abs, legs (including calves), and butt.
After showering off and dressing in some clean clothes, I went to my six year old's aftercare to see if she wanted to be picked up earlier (which she did). I took her to my office for a little while because I had a ton of work to do. Once again, instead of getting work done, I messed around online. Over the past several weeks I have read a ton of weight loss blogs. There are a couple that I absolutely love. Now that I have my computer back I can post links to these blogs on my blog! Yay.
My daughter and I left my office at 5:00pm. I had to pick up my older daughter who was at a friend's house. Instead of driving straight to the friend's house we drove home instead, picked up the dog, and walked to the friends house. Then the dog, my two daughter's, and I had a nice walk home. It was roughly 0.75 miles round trip so it wasn't a super long walk but it was nice nonetheless. It was the perfect weather for an early evening walk...warm but not too hot.
As soon as we got home I barbecued up some steak and steamed some broccoli. I LOVE steak and i thought that I wouldn't be able to eat it anymore with my new low fat diet. But, after doing a little research, I found that there are lean cut of steaks that are low in fat. Yesterday I bought the leanest steak I could find at Trader Joe's: Top Sirloin Filets. They were delicious!! They were cooked perfectly and were super juicy. My kids said it was the best steak they ever had. The only downside was the steak was a little pricey ($10.99/lb) but it was worth it. I will definitely be buying this again.
After dinner I did the dishes, got out my laptop, updated my groups on MFP, updated my food journal on MFP, and then came on Blogger to write this post.
That's it for now... xoxo
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
-2.8 pounds
Woo hoo!
I lost another 2.8 pounds! It's interesting... I was losing about 3.4 pounds a week when I was going to the gym 4-5 times. This past week I went on walks and stuff but was only able to make it to the gym once or twice and then I lost 2.8 pounds. Don't get me wrong, I am STOKED that I lost 2.8lbs in a week...I just wonder if I would have lost even more if I had gone to the gym more often.
Either way...I LOST 2.8 LBS!! :)
I don't have any clients scheduled today but I do have to go to my office at some point to pick up my laptop. I haven't been able to write updated blog posts on MFP or write update comments in the group challenges I'm in. That's my one major complaint with the MFP app for the iPhone. I should be able to check out blogs and groups on it instead of having to go online.
Since I don't have any clients scheduled today I was definitely planning on going to the gym. My six year old has a dance performance today at her school at 10:30am. I'll probably be done around noon so I'll probably grab some lunch afterward and then head to the gym. Right now it's 8:47am and I am debating whether or not I should go for a quick run before going to her performance. I'm still not quite sure what I'm going to do. Even if I do go for a run, I am definitely going to the gym this afternoon for some strength training. Ill check out the classes to see if there are any Zumba classes in the early afternoon (I've been wanting to try one).
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Woo hoo!
I lost another 2.8 pounds! It's interesting... I was losing about 3.4 pounds a week when I was going to the gym 4-5 times. This past week I went on walks and stuff but was only able to make it to the gym once or twice and then I lost 2.8 pounds. Don't get me wrong, I am STOKED that I lost 2.8lbs in a week...I just wonder if I would have lost even more if I had gone to the gym more often.
Either way...I LOST 2.8 LBS!! :)
I don't have any clients scheduled today but I do have to go to my office at some point to pick up my laptop. I haven't been able to write updated blog posts on MFP or write update comments in the group challenges I'm in. That's my one major complaint with the MFP app for the iPhone. I should be able to check out blogs and groups on it instead of having to go online.
Since I don't have any clients scheduled today I was definitely planning on going to the gym. My six year old has a dance performance today at her school at 10:30am. I'll probably be done around noon so I'll probably grab some lunch afterward and then head to the gym. Right now it's 8:47am and I am debating whether or not I should go for a quick run before going to her performance. I'm still not quite sure what I'm going to do. Even if I do go for a run, I am definitely going to the gym this afternoon for some strength training. Ill check out the classes to see if there are any Zumba classes in the early afternoon (I've been wanting to try one).
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Location:Hart St,San Rafael,United States
Day 29 - Evening Update
It's 11:20pm and I'm going to bed. For dinner tonight I cooked cheeseburgers! I used 96% fat free ground beef and lowfat cheddar. They turned out okay. It's hard to make a good burger with lean ground beef but they weren't bad.
Since I wasn't able to make it to the gym today I went on a walk with my younger daughter after dinner. We went to Trader Joes after work but forgot a few items so we walked down to the store after dinner.
Alright...I'm so tired I can barley keep my eyes open. I'm going to bed. Will check in tomorrow morning after my weekly weigh-in. :)
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Since I wasn't able to make it to the gym today I went on a walk with my younger daughter after dinner. We went to Trader Joes after work but forgot a few items so we walked down to the store after dinner.
Alright...I'm so tired I can barley keep my eyes open. I'm going to bed. Will check in tomorrow morning after my weekly weigh-in. :)
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Tuesday, June 3, 2014
Day 29 - Morning Check-In
This morning I resized that my one month anniversary isn't on Wednesday like I thought, it's actually on Friday. So instead of doing my measurements on Wednesday with my weigh-in ill be doing them on Friday (something else to look forward to).
I must have seriously bruised my butt yesterday on that bike ride because it really freakin hurts. I should take a pillow with me to work. Lol. I was really feeling like yesterday. Part of that was from over doing it on that bike ride and part of it was my stomach. I'm not sure of it was the Alli or something I ate...whatever it was made me bloated and in a lot of pain. I didn't want to take any chances last night so I skipped my Alli pill at dinner (which was fine since I only ate cereal) and then I skipped it again at breakfast. I ate a few sugar free candies yesterday and I think they are more likely the culprit for my stomach discomfort. To be sure, I'll stay away from the sugar free candies today and I'll take my Alli pills at lunch and dinner. Since I was taking the Alli pills for almost a month without issue I strongly think it was something else that caused my pain. Either way, I am happy to report that I woke up feeling a lot better. I was worried I might have to cancel my client today. Now it looks like I'll be okay.
If you've read my other posts you may remember me saying that my Tuesday client has a gym (and shower) in their building. It's kind of hard to change into my workout clothes, warm up at the gym, do a cardio session, stretch, shower off, and then get dressed again all in under an hour. I can probably do it in 1.5 hours but in order for that to happen I have to get to work early. Luckily I took a shower last night so all I have to do this morning is wash my face, brush my teeth, and get dressed. I'll be able to take a shower after my workout instead of taking one this morning. It may actually work. Now, let's see if I can actually get there really early.
Alright...gotta go. It's 8:15am and I have to take my little one to school. Chow. :)
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
I must have seriously bruised my butt yesterday on that bike ride because it really freakin hurts. I should take a pillow with me to work. Lol. I was really feeling like yesterday. Part of that was from over doing it on that bike ride and part of it was my stomach. I'm not sure of it was the Alli or something I ate...whatever it was made me bloated and in a lot of pain. I didn't want to take any chances last night so I skipped my Alli pill at dinner (which was fine since I only ate cereal) and then I skipped it again at breakfast. I ate a few sugar free candies yesterday and I think they are more likely the culprit for my stomach discomfort. To be sure, I'll stay away from the sugar free candies today and I'll take my Alli pills at lunch and dinner. Since I was taking the Alli pills for almost a month without issue I strongly think it was something else that caused my pain. Either way, I am happy to report that I woke up feeling a lot better. I was worried I might have to cancel my client today. Now it looks like I'll be okay.
If you've read my other posts you may remember me saying that my Tuesday client has a gym (and shower) in their building. It's kind of hard to change into my workout clothes, warm up at the gym, do a cardio session, stretch, shower off, and then get dressed again all in under an hour. I can probably do it in 1.5 hours but in order for that to happen I have to get to work early. Luckily I took a shower last night so all I have to do this morning is wash my face, brush my teeth, and get dressed. I'll be able to take a shower after my workout instead of taking one this morning. It may actually work. Now, let's see if I can actually get there really early.
Alright...gotta go. It's 8:15am and I have to take my little one to school. Chow. :)
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Monday, June 2, 2014
Day 28 - Going to Bed
Ugh, I am exhausted. It's also been hard to post detailed updated over the past few days since I left my laptop at the office on Friday. I can still write updates using my phone it just takes a bit longer.
Today was my four week anniversary. I was feeling great, that is until I went on that 4 hr bike ride. It wasn't the actual bike ride that did me in. It was going uphill dragging 100 lbs behind me. My butt is sooooo sore. I need a bike seat that's more padded. Someone my size shouldn't use a tiny little bike seat like that.
I was too tired to cook dinner. I ended up making chicken nuggets for the kids and I had a bowl of cereal. I ate a late lunch and I had a couple big snacks so I wasn't that hungry.
This Wednesday is not only my weekly weigh in, it's also my one month anniversary of being on this diet. Since I am doing my measurements monthly I get to take new measurements on Wednesday. I hope all my hard work had paid off. I still have a long road to go but it is nice to see the progress and if does add motivation to keep it up.
Alright, I'm going to bed. I'll try to pick up my laptop tomorrow so I can write a detailed update. I also need to update my groups on MFP. Good night everyone. :)
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Today was my four week anniversary. I was feeling great, that is until I went on that 4 hr bike ride. It wasn't the actual bike ride that did me in. It was going uphill dragging 100 lbs behind me. My butt is sooooo sore. I need a bike seat that's more padded. Someone my size shouldn't use a tiny little bike seat like that.
I was too tired to cook dinner. I ended up making chicken nuggets for the kids and I had a bowl of cereal. I ate a late lunch and I had a couple big snacks so I wasn't that hungry.
This Wednesday is not only my weekly weigh in, it's also my one month anniversary of being on this diet. Since I am doing my measurements monthly I get to take new measurements on Wednesday. I hope all my hard work had paid off. I still have a long road to go but it is nice to see the progress and if does add motivation to keep it up.
Alright, I'm going to bed. I'll try to pick up my laptop tomorrow so I can write a detailed update. I also need to update my groups on MFP. Good night everyone. :)
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Day 28 - Afternoon Check-in
I am sooooo tired and sore. Let me go back and start from this morning:
The kids and I woke up around 6:30am as we do every school day. At 7:30am I dropped my older daughter off at school. My younger daughter and I had already decided that she was going to stay home today. She was very tired and has a bad cold. I didn't have any clients scheduled today so I had planned on going to the gym today. Since my daughter was sick I knew I'd have to cancel the gym plans. So many things have come up this past week that's making it really hard to get to the gym. Instead of admitting defeat today I decided to try something new.
When my daughter was small I used to go on bike rides with and and pull her in a trailer. It had been at least three years since I had last got on a real bike. I went to the garage, pulled out the bike, constructed the bike trailer back together, pumped all four tires, and we had the means for an awesome workout. We packed some healthy snacks, a blanket, and plenty of water. We left the house around 11:45am and didn't get home until 4pm!!! We did stop at the park for 30 minutes and the again at the grocery store (where we also got some yummy frozen yogurt). All in all I estimate that I was biking for at least three hours straight...and now can tell that I overdid it. My legs ache from the workout, my butt really hurts from that darn seat, and I am completely exhausted. I came home, ate some lunch, took a shower, and now desperately want to take a nap. Have you ever worked out so much that you feel like you are coming down with the flu? Well that's how I feel now and it sucks. Usually I feel awesome and energized after a workout. Not today. I am literally zoning out. My six yeaol keeps asking me what I'm staring at. Lol
I have no idea what we're going to do for dinner. I am too tired to think about it. Will try to check in later.
P.S. Yay four week mark!!!!
Sunday, June 1, 2014
Day 27 - Evening Update
It is 10:19pm on Sunday night. This was another super busy weekend. Today we went to that birthday party from 10am-12pm. Afterward we ran a couple errands and then won't home to grab some lunch. Around 3pm I asked my mom if she could babysit the kids so I could go to the gym. I was so stoked when she said "yes"! I hadn't been to the gym since Wednesday and was dying to get back to my usual workout routine. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE going on walks with me kids but that's more fun than exercise. I was needing something that would get my heart rate up and make my muscles burn.
My younger daughter decided to have a break down when I went to leave. She wanted to come with me even though I explained the gym's daycare was closed on Sundays. It took a few minutes of cajoling but I was finally able to convince her to let me leave. She had been crying and was still sniffling a little by the time I left. I honestly thought about skipping the gym because I hate when my kids are sad but she does this every time I go anywhere without her (which isn't very often) and she needs to learn how to cope, after all she is almost seven.
So I ended up going to the gym and I had an excellent workout. Instead of doing the usual 30 minutes of cardio I did 45! As always, after my cardio session I stretched for about 15 minutes followed by 30 minutes of strength training. I completely lost track of time and before I knew it, it was already 5:45pm. I was supposed to be at the restaurant for my grandma's birthday dinner at 6pm and I still had to shower and pick up my kids. I called my mom and asked her to meet me at the restaurant (since she has my kids). I then busted ass, took a two minute shower, got dressed, and zipped over to the restaurant. I made really good time but was still five minutes late.
For dinner I had the New York steak with a side of veggies. I split the steak with my younger daughter so I only ate half of it (plus the veggies). Dinner was delicious. My family ordered champagne with dinner and then some super yummy desserts (my weakness). I am very happy to report that I didn't have any champagne or dessert (not even a bite).
We left the restaurant at 7:30pm and then had to run over to out friend's house who was having a party for her baby daughter who was turning one.
We got home around 9:05 and after putting my kids to bed I straightened up and ran a load of laundry.
I did extremely well today if info say so myself. We went to three birthday events all of which had cake and I didn't eat one bite! I am also happy that I ordered the steak at the restaurant when what I REALLY wanted was a cheeseburger. The restaurant we went to has the BEST cheeseburger and I used to pick up to-go orders from there all the time. Their cheeseburgers rank on my top five favorite foods so you can imagine how hard it was to not order one. If I hadn't been taking the Alli I probably would have. Thank goodness I have this wonder pill to keep me in check.
Speaking of Alli, I was wondering if it was even working (some people eat whatever they want without the horrid side effects). Well, I now know for sure that these pills are working.

I must have eaten too much fat yesterday because I experienced a little of the "treatment effects" today. It wasn't that bad but I also didn't eat that much fat, in fact, I was kinda surprised I even had "treatment effects" since I've been really good about my diet. I have a feeling I added too much oil when cooking my corn tortillas last night. Guess I won't be doing that again. Lol.
Alright...there is more to report but it's already 10:47pm and I am really TIRED. Good night everyone, sleep tight, don't let the bed bugs (Gross!) bite. xoxo
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My younger daughter decided to have a break down when I went to leave. She wanted to come with me even though I explained the gym's daycare was closed on Sundays. It took a few minutes of cajoling but I was finally able to convince her to let me leave. She had been crying and was still sniffling a little by the time I left. I honestly thought about skipping the gym because I hate when my kids are sad but she does this every time I go anywhere without her (which isn't very often) and she needs to learn how to cope, after all she is almost seven.
So I ended up going to the gym and I had an excellent workout. Instead of doing the usual 30 minutes of cardio I did 45! As always, after my cardio session I stretched for about 15 minutes followed by 30 minutes of strength training. I completely lost track of time and before I knew it, it was already 5:45pm. I was supposed to be at the restaurant for my grandma's birthday dinner at 6pm and I still had to shower and pick up my kids. I called my mom and asked her to meet me at the restaurant (since she has my kids). I then busted ass, took a two minute shower, got dressed, and zipped over to the restaurant. I made really good time but was still five minutes late.
For dinner I had the New York steak with a side of veggies. I split the steak with my younger daughter so I only ate half of it (plus the veggies). Dinner was delicious. My family ordered champagne with dinner and then some super yummy desserts (my weakness). I am very happy to report that I didn't have any champagne or dessert (not even a bite).
We left the restaurant at 7:30pm and then had to run over to out friend's house who was having a party for her baby daughter who was turning one.
We got home around 9:05 and after putting my kids to bed I straightened up and ran a load of laundry.
I did extremely well today if info say so myself. We went to three birthday events all of which had cake and I didn't eat one bite! I am also happy that I ordered the steak at the restaurant when what I REALLY wanted was a cheeseburger. The restaurant we went to has the BEST cheeseburger and I used to pick up to-go orders from there all the time. Their cheeseburgers rank on my top five favorite foods so you can imagine how hard it was to not order one. If I hadn't been taking the Alli I probably would have. Thank goodness I have this wonder pill to keep me in check.
Speaking of Alli, I was wondering if it was even working (some people eat whatever they want without the horrid side effects). Well, I now know for sure that these pills are working.

I must have eaten too much fat yesterday because I experienced a little of the "treatment effects" today. It wasn't that bad but I also didn't eat that much fat, in fact, I was kinda surprised I even had "treatment effects" since I've been really good about my diet. I have a feeling I added too much oil when cooking my corn tortillas last night. Guess I won't be doing that again. Lol.
Alright...there is more to report but it's already 10:47pm and I am really TIRED. Good night everyone, sleep tight, don't let the bed bugs (Gross!) bite. xoxo
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Saturday, May 31, 2014
Day 26 - Afternoon Check-In
It's 2:37pm and I'm about to pop in the shower. My brother came by a little while ago and took my six year old for a walk downtown. There's a car show/parade that's going on downtown right now. My twelve year old has a cold and doesn't feel like going (although in still trying to convince her to go). I had to finish making her some soup and eat my own lunch before I left. I also had to take a shower and get ready.
I woke up pretty hungry this morning. I wonder why that is. I didn't eat late last night, in fact I had dinner at 7:30pm, and ice cream sandwich at 8:30pm, and that was it. I went to bed four hours later at 12:30am so I should have been fine. Maybe is was hungry because I didn't work out yesterday. I'm going to start paying attention to that so see if that has anything to do with it.
For breakfast I had the usual: Special K cereal w/nonfat milk and a sugar free Redbull.
For lunch I had: Lean Cuisine Lasagna with Meat Sauce. I've had this one once before (a few weeks ago) and it was pretty good so I decided to try it again. I'd give it 8/10 stars. I'll be buying this one again.

I am glad I filled up before going down to the car show. I'm sure there's going to be food stands with all of the favorite fried fixings. I'm going to bring some healthy snacks with me just in case I get hungry.
I need to get going. Hope everyone is having a great weekend so far.
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I woke up pretty hungry this morning. I wonder why that is. I didn't eat late last night, in fact I had dinner at 7:30pm, and ice cream sandwich at 8:30pm, and that was it. I went to bed four hours later at 12:30am so I should have been fine. Maybe is was hungry because I didn't work out yesterday. I'm going to start paying attention to that so see if that has anything to do with it.
For breakfast I had the usual: Special K cereal w/nonfat milk and a sugar free Redbull.
For lunch I had: Lean Cuisine Lasagna with Meat Sauce. I've had this one once before (a few weeks ago) and it was pretty good so I decided to try it again. I'd give it 8/10 stars. I'll be buying this one again.

I am glad I filled up before going down to the car show. I'm sure there's going to be food stands with all of the favorite fried fixings. I'm going to bring some healthy snacks with me just in case I get hungry.
I need to get going. Hope everyone is having a great weekend so far.
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Day 25 - Evening Update
It's 11:42pm and I'm about to go to bed. Today was a pretty good day. I wish I could have made it to the gym but that wasn't possible. I ended up leaving my office at 6:00pm. I picked up my daughter from afterschool and stopped at the grocery store on the way home. As soon as I got home i unloaded the groceries from the car, put them away, and then hurried to make dinner. I wanted to take the kids for a walk downtown to get ice cream after dinner...at least that was the plan. After we ate dinner and cleaned off the table I was exhausted. I sat down on the couch and ended up falling asleep for 45 minutes. When I woke up i felt refreshed but it was too late to go for a walk (it was 8:45pm).
I don't know why but I've been hungry all day. When I woke up from my catnap I still felt a little hungry so I ate a Skinny Cow Ice Cream Sandwich. I then added my dinner and dessert to my food journal on MyFitnessPal and saw that I went over my calories by 133- why did I eat that damn ice cream?!
At 9pm, I put my kids to bed and cleaned the dishes left over from dinner. Since I was over my calories for the day I decided to do a little housework which would be recorded on my FitBit. Since my FitBit syncs with MyFitnessPal I figured I may be able to come in under my daily calories if I moved around enough by doing housework.
So...I cleaned the kitchen, cleaned the bathroom, took out all of the household garbages (rooms, kitchen, bathroom...), took out the recycling, straightened up the living room, cleaned all of the toys off the front deck (did they really need 15 stuffed animals out there?), and then folded and put away a load of laundry. I am not sure if I'll end up coming in under my daily calories but at least I have less housework to do tomorrow. :)
I was mistaken about the party this weekend. It turns out the birthday party for the six year old is on Sunday. We were invited to another party on Sunday which I thought was fine because I thought the first one was on Saturday. I think we will still be able to attend both. The six year old's party is from 10am-12pm. I think the party for the one year old is later in the afternoon.
As for tomorrow, my twelve year old still has Saturday school from 7:50am-11:00am. She wasn't feeling good this evening (which is a little "convenient") so there's a small chance that we may have to reschedule again. She has a cold but I don't thing she's sick enough to miss school, even if it's on a Saturday. It's also my Grandma's birthday tomorrow!! I think the family is planning on going out to dinner to celebrate. After I drop off my daughter at Saturday School tomorrow I'll have to pop by the mall to grab a gift.
Since it turns out I won't be child free for a couple hours tomorrow it looks like I won't be able to go to the gym as planned- AGAIN. Boooooo. I am going to try and see if my mom can babysit for a couple hours. That way, I will still be able to make it to the gym. I haven't been to the gym since my double workout on Wednesday and not going for a couple days is making me all antsy and stressed out.
Alright...It's 12:05am now and I have to go to bed. Good night everyone. xoxo
Friday, May 30, 2014
Day 25 - :( No Gym Today
The universe does not want me to go to the gym...That must be what this is. Yesterday I ran into software issues. Today, my assistant said she could actually work until 5pm ) she usually gets off around 3:15pm. Since we had work that needed to get done I had to forgo the gym today. Lately it's been really hard for me to motivate myself to work. I have a ton of motivation to exercise and eat healthy but zero motivation to get work done. It's interesting how that works. When I am motivated to work I am not motivated to eat healthy/exercise... Now it's the opposite. I guess I can only motivate myself on one aspect of life...lol.
So instead of putting off work (once again) we stayed here until 5:00pm. It's actually 5:20pm right now and I am trying to wrap up for the day. I am soooooo happy it's Friday!! My twelve year old daughter has to be at Saturday school tomorrow at 7:50am so I still have to wake up early but at least I get to sleep in a little on Sunday.
This weekend we have a packed schedule. On Saturday my younger daughter was invited to a birthday party at a gymnasium. I am going to try and take advantage of being kid free for the morning and go to the gym. On Sunday, a family friend of ours is having a bday party for their daughter who is turning one. They have three other kids, one of which is six and my younger daughter's best friend. Then, on Sunday evening, we have our weekly family dinner. It will be a busy but fun weekend.
Alright..I should get going if I ever want to get out of here. Happy Friday everyone!! xoxo
So instead of putting off work (once again) we stayed here until 5:00pm. It's actually 5:20pm right now and I am trying to wrap up for the day. I am soooooo happy it's Friday!! My twelve year old daughter has to be at Saturday school tomorrow at 7:50am so I still have to wake up early but at least I get to sleep in a little on Sunday.
This weekend we have a packed schedule. On Saturday my younger daughter was invited to a birthday party at a gymnasium. I am going to try and take advantage of being kid free for the morning and go to the gym. On Sunday, a family friend of ours is having a bday party for their daughter who is turning one. They have three other kids, one of which is six and my younger daughter's best friend. Then, on Sunday evening, we have our weekly family dinner. It will be a busy but fun weekend.
Alright..I should get going if I ever want to get out of here. Happy Friday everyone!! xoxo
Day 25 - Morning Check-In
Happy Friday!! It's 7:34 and just finished breakfast. This morning I had the new cereal I bought: Honey Bunches of Oats Morning Energy Cinnamon Crunch. I bought it because it has 6g of protein and 5g of fiber in one serving. It was pretty good, although I still like my usual Special K breakfast better.

I can't believe it's already Friday. This week flew by so quickly...I think in part because it was only 4 days long (Monday was a holiday).
On Fridays I go to my office every week. My assistant gets there at 10am so I have to get there before then. She then leaves at 3:15pm. I'm thinking of going to the gym after she leaves. I have a ton of work to do but I think I can make a major dent in the pile if I work by butt off all day. That's always the plan but I tend to get distracted and end up B.S,'ing with my assistant, online shopping, or reading other diet blogs all day long. Today the word of the day is "Focus".
My six year old was actually supposed to have an appointment today with the dentist to have a couple of her teeth pulled and a few other things. It was a long appointment so we had to schedule it a month ago (since they didn't have any other openings). The dentist's receptionist called me yesterday to remind me and I said "thanks". I have had this in my calendar for a month so this was not something I was going to forget...not quite looking forward to it but it has to be done (she hasn't lost ANY teeth but 2 of her adult teeth have come in anyway). After I got off the phone with the dentist I remembered something my daughter had been talking about all month...A field trip/ end of year party. She's been talking about it nonstop for weeks and yesterday she woke up and excitedly said "My field trips tomorrow!!!" After I got off the phone with the dentist it hit me: The field trip is... TOMORROW?! Ugh, that was not on my calendar. So I called the dentist back and had to reschedule the appointment. I apologized several times for the late notice but I think they were still a little peeved.
My six year old is in the process of getting ready for school. She woke up early and keeps asking me what time it is. She wants to get to school early for the big field trip. She is so darn cute. :)
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I can't believe it's already Friday. This week flew by so quickly...I think in part because it was only 4 days long (Monday was a holiday).
On Fridays I go to my office every week. My assistant gets there at 10am so I have to get there before then. She then leaves at 3:15pm. I'm thinking of going to the gym after she leaves. I have a ton of work to do but I think I can make a major dent in the pile if I work by butt off all day. That's always the plan but I tend to get distracted and end up B.S,'ing with my assistant, online shopping, or reading other diet blogs all day long. Today the word of the day is "Focus".
My six year old was actually supposed to have an appointment today with the dentist to have a couple of her teeth pulled and a few other things. It was a long appointment so we had to schedule it a month ago (since they didn't have any other openings). The dentist's receptionist called me yesterday to remind me and I said "thanks". I have had this in my calendar for a month so this was not something I was going to forget...not quite looking forward to it but it has to be done (she hasn't lost ANY teeth but 2 of her adult teeth have come in anyway). After I got off the phone with the dentist I remembered something my daughter had been talking about all month...A field trip/ end of year party. She's been talking about it nonstop for weeks and yesterday she woke up and excitedly said "My field trips tomorrow!!!" After I got off the phone with the dentist it hit me: The field trip is... TOMORROW?! Ugh, that was not on my calendar. So I called the dentist back and had to reschedule the appointment. I apologized several times for the late notice but I think they were still a little peeved.
My six year old is in the process of getting ready for school. She woke up early and keeps asking me what time it is. She wants to get to school early for the big field trip. She is so darn cute. :)
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Thursday, May 29, 2014
Day 24 - Going to Bed
It is 11pm and I am about to go to bed. I was really trying to go to bed early tonight but between the dishes, the laundry, and straightening up the living room picking up after my kids, it didn't work out quite as planned.
As I mentioned in my earlier post I wasn't able to make it to the gym today. I ended up FINALLY leaving my client's at 6:10pm. I realized that (once again) I didn't have time to cook either of the new chicken recipes I found. I didn't want the chicken to go to waste so I figured I would just use an old recipe. I checked my All Recipes app on my iPad really quick to see if I could find a quick recipe to barbecue chicken and sure enough I did. The recipe was "Favorite Barbecue Chicken" by Amanda Anne. The ingredients:
*olive oil
*brown sugar
*apple cider vinegar
*worcestershire sauce
*salt & pepper
*2 skinless/boneless chicken breasts
I am extremely happy to report that the recipe was delicious! I also cooked a side of steamed veggies (carrots, broccoli, and green beans) and a side of brown rice. I have spent hours finding recipes online and none of them have turned out very good. I finally find one that's great and it only took two minutes to find on my iPad...go figure. You can check out the recipe yourself at: http://allrecipes.com/recipe/favorite-barbecue-chicken/
My the time my girls and I had finished dinner and cleared the table it was already 8:45pm. I was going to take my girls for a walk downtown to get ice cream but it was way too late. My six year old was really excited about going for a walk and was bummed when I told her it was too late. I decided to compromise and took her on a quick 15 minute walk. So I didn't get to do the cardio I wanted today but at least it wasn't due to procrastinating.
I realized that MyFitnessApp has a blog on it's site. I am going to start copying my posts onto there as well (since more people will probably read it there anyway...lol).
Alright...I have to go to bed. I really wanted to wake up early and go for a run but it's already 11:05pm and waking up at 5am only leaves me with around 5.5 hours of sleep...not enough. Oh well, I will just have to try and go tomorrow after work. Good night everyone. xoxo
As I mentioned in my earlier post I wasn't able to make it to the gym today. I ended up FINALLY leaving my client's at 6:10pm. I realized that (once again) I didn't have time to cook either of the new chicken recipes I found. I didn't want the chicken to go to waste so I figured I would just use an old recipe. I checked my All Recipes app on my iPad really quick to see if I could find a quick recipe to barbecue chicken and sure enough I did. The recipe was "Favorite Barbecue Chicken" by Amanda Anne. The ingredients:
*olive oil
*brown sugar
*apple cider vinegar
*worcestershire sauce
*salt & pepper
*2 skinless/boneless chicken breasts
I am extremely happy to report that the recipe was delicious! I also cooked a side of steamed veggies (carrots, broccoli, and green beans) and a side of brown rice. I have spent hours finding recipes online and none of them have turned out very good. I finally find one that's great and it only took two minutes to find on my iPad...go figure. You can check out the recipe yourself at: http://allrecipes.com/recipe/favorite-barbecue-chicken/
My the time my girls and I had finished dinner and cleared the table it was already 8:45pm. I was going to take my girls for a walk downtown to get ice cream but it was way too late. My six year old was really excited about going for a walk and was bummed when I told her it was too late. I decided to compromise and took her on a quick 15 minute walk. So I didn't get to do the cardio I wanted today but at least it wasn't due to procrastinating.
I realized that MyFitnessApp has a blog on it's site. I am going to start copying my posts onto there as well (since more people will probably read it there anyway...lol).
Alright...I have to go to bed. I really wanted to wake up early and go for a run but it's already 11:05pm and waking up at 5am only leaves me with around 5.5 hours of sleep...not enough. Oh well, I will just have to try and go tomorrow after work. Good night everyone. xoxo
Day 24 - 4:45pm
So I'm still at my client's...once again. I installed the accounting software and by 3:45pm it was up and running. I was stoked that I would finally be able to leave at 4pm to go to the gym. Unfortunately I completely forgot about the three other computers that also needed to by updated... doh! So I'm still here, updating away. Im actually almost finished, probably have another ten minutes or so. But it's not enough time. I would have to leave the gym by 6pm to pick up my younger daughter while my older daughter is at home alone (my mom dropped her off a an hour ago). Since I will probably get off around 5pm I wouldn't make it to the gym until 5:15pm. By the time I parked, walked over the gym, and changed in the locker room it would be 5:45pm and I'd have a whopping 15 minutes to work out.
So instead of going to the gym I'm going to pick up my daughter early and head home to start dinner. If I can start dinner early enough we can walk downtown to get ice cream (for the kids) afterwards. It was pretty hot today so tonight should be a nice warm evening, the perfect weather for a walk to the ice cream shop. If I can't workout I want to at least walk 10k steps on my FitBit. :)
Well I should finish up. Will check in later. xoxo
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So instead of going to the gym I'm going to pick up my daughter early and head home to start dinner. If I can start dinner early enough we can walk downtown to get ice cream (for the kids) afterwards. It was pretty hot today so tonight should be a nice warm evening, the perfect weather for a walk to the ice cream shop. If I can't workout I want to at least walk 10k steps on my FitBit. :)
Well I should finish up. Will check in later. xoxo
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Day 24 - Afternoon Update
We have a winner. Today I tried a new frozen meal: Chicken Mesquite by Smart Ones. It was very good.

Out of all of the frozen meals I've been eating the best ones have been Smart Ones (by Weight Watchers). I also liked one from Healthy Choice. The ones that have continuously been pretty bad are Eating Right (by Safeway).
For snacks today I packed: carrots, green grapes, a Fuji apple, 1.5 serving of sourdough pretzels, and 2 nonfat Snack Wells cookies.

So far I have eaten half of the carrots and about 1/3 of the (huge) bag of grapes.
A friend of mine asked if I wanted to go to the gym together after work. I told her that would be great just as long as I don't run into any issues installing this accounting software today. *Fingers crossed*.
For breakfast today I made oatmeal.

It was very good and it did keep me pretty full for a while. Tomorrow I may have oatmeal again or I may try out a new cereal I bought.
Alright..,back to work. Will check in later. xoxo
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Out of all of the frozen meals I've been eating the best ones have been Smart Ones (by Weight Watchers). I also liked one from Healthy Choice. The ones that have continuously been pretty bad are Eating Right (by Safeway).
For snacks today I packed: carrots, green grapes, a Fuji apple, 1.5 serving of sourdough pretzels, and 2 nonfat Snack Wells cookies.

So far I have eaten half of the carrots and about 1/3 of the (huge) bag of grapes.
A friend of mine asked if I wanted to go to the gym together after work. I told her that would be great just as long as I don't run into any issues installing this accounting software today. *Fingers crossed*.
For breakfast today I made oatmeal.

It was very good and it did keep me pretty full for a while. Tomorrow I may have oatmeal again or I may try out a new cereal I bought.
Alright..,back to work. Will check in later. xoxo
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I have mentioned a couple times that I use MyFitnessPal to keep track of my progress. I input everything I eat into my food journal on MFP and I post all of my exercise into the exercise journal. I have used this app during previous diet attempts and it really helps. Another great aspect to MyFitnessPal is that you can make friends, join groups, and post comments in the community, which is especially nice if you need some added motivation.
Today I joined two new groups: The first is a twelve week challenge to transform yourself. You complete with fellow members to see who can reach their goal weight after 12 weeks. The second is a month long challenge (June 2014) where you have to work out at least 20 minutes every day and not go over your daily calories. If you do either of those you fail the challenge. I think these groups will be fun and I am hoping to make a couple friends.
Today I joined two new groups: The first is a twelve week challenge to transform yourself. You complete with fellow members to see who can reach their goal weight after 12 weeks. The second is a month long challenge (June 2014) where you have to work out at least 20 minutes every day and not go over your daily calories. If you do either of those you fail the challenge. I think these groups will be fun and I am hoping to make a couple friends.
If you want to look me up on MyFitnessPal my username is NicoleMarie001. You can check out my food/exercise journal and see my progress. You can also add me as a friend if you like. :)
Day 24 - Morning Check-In
Good morning. It's 7:40am and I just dropped off my older daughter at school. Now my younger daughter and I have to head home and get her ready for her school which doesn't start until 8:30am.
I couldn't fall asleep last night and finally went to bed at 12:45am. Normally I am so tired I pass out as soon as I put the kids to bed. I bet the reason I couldn't sleep had something to do with being amped up from two workouts. I wanted to wake up early this morning and go for a run but when I couldn't fall asleep I knew that would no longer be possible.
I haven't eaten breakfast yet but I'm planning on having oatmeal and some fruit once I do. I've heard that oatmeal keeps you full longer that eating cereal. I'm going to test that out.
Today I am going to my Thursday client's. This is the client that closes at 4pm so I could normally go to the gym afterwards. I've been in the process of updating their accounting software and the deadline to get it done is today. When updating the software, no one else can be using it so I can't do it during normal business hours. Last week I started downloading the new software after everyone left and it took forever. An hour after starting the download it was only 75% done so I gave up and went home. That was only the initial download. Since I am pretty sure the download finished after I left the next step will be converting the old program into the new one. That can also take time, but usually not as much. I'm going to tell the owner that we need to start at 3pm so they're going to have to close an hour early. If I start at 4pm and run into issues, I won't be able to fix them all if it takes too long (since I have to pick up my kids). If the software coverts without any issues, I may have time to go to the gym afterwards. I'll bring my gym bag just in case.
Alright, have to get going. As always, I will check in later to update my progress. Have a great day everyone. :)
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I couldn't fall asleep last night and finally went to bed at 12:45am. Normally I am so tired I pass out as soon as I put the kids to bed. I bet the reason I couldn't sleep had something to do with being amped up from two workouts. I wanted to wake up early this morning and go for a run but when I couldn't fall asleep I knew that would no longer be possible.
I haven't eaten breakfast yet but I'm planning on having oatmeal and some fruit once I do. I've heard that oatmeal keeps you full longer that eating cereal. I'm going to test that out.
Today I am going to my Thursday client's. This is the client that closes at 4pm so I could normally go to the gym afterwards. I've been in the process of updating their accounting software and the deadline to get it done is today. When updating the software, no one else can be using it so I can't do it during normal business hours. Last week I started downloading the new software after everyone left and it took forever. An hour after starting the download it was only 75% done so I gave up and went home. That was only the initial download. Since I am pretty sure the download finished after I left the next step will be converting the old program into the new one. That can also take time, but usually not as much. I'm going to tell the owner that we need to start at 3pm so they're going to have to close an hour early. If I start at 4pm and run into issues, I won't be able to fix them all if it takes too long (since I have to pick up my kids). If the software coverts without any issues, I may have time to go to the gym afterwards. I'll bring my gym bag just in case.
Alright, have to get going. As always, I will check in later to update my progress. Have a great day everyone. :)
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
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