Monday, June 2, 2014

Day 28 - Afternoon Check-in

I am sooooo tired and sore. Let me go back and start from this morning:

The kids and I woke up around 6:30am as we do every school day. At 7:30am I dropped my older daughter off at school. My younger daughter and I had already decided that she was going to stay home today. She was very tired and has a bad cold. I didn't have any clients scheduled today so I had planned on going to the gym today. Since my daughter was sick I knew I'd have to cancel the gym plans. So many things have come up this past week that's making it really hard to get to the gym. Instead of admitting defeat today I decided to try something new.

When my daughter was small I used to go on bike rides with and and pull her in a trailer. It had been at least three years since I had last got on a real bike. I went to the garage, pulled out the bike, constructed the bike trailer back together, pumped all four tires, and we had the means for an awesome workout. We packed some healthy snacks, a blanket, and plenty of water. We left the house around 11:45am and didn't get home until 4pm!!! We did stop at the park for 30 minutes and the again at the grocery store (where we also got some yummy frozen yogurt). All in all I estimate that I was biking for at least three hours straight...and now can tell that I overdid it. My legs ache from the workout, my butt really hurts from that darn seat, and I am completely exhausted. I came home, ate some lunch, took a shower, and now desperately want to take a nap. Have you ever worked out so much that you feel like you are coming down with the flu?  Well that's how I feel now and it sucks. Usually I feel awesome and energized after a workout. Not today. I am literally zoning out. My six yeaol keeps asking me what I'm staring at. Lol

I have no idea what we're going to do for dinner. I am too tired to think about it. Will try to check in later. 

P.S.  Yay four week mark!!!!

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