Sunday, May 10, 2015

Day 63 - Feeling Blah

Sunday, May 10, 2015, 9:30pm

It is day 63 and I definitely understand why my diets have always failed around this time. Don't worry, I have t fallen off the wagon but the lack of weight loss is really started to de-motivate me. It's so frustrating doing all this work and barely losing any weight. I'm also struggling financially at the moment and am really going to have to put everything I have into work over the next few weeks. That means no more gym days... Ugh. I always knew the true challenge would be when I faced a bump in the road that would change up my informal routine. It looks like the time has come, and of course it's right around day 60. 

I have basically given up ok the scale. Yesterday I also went way over my daily calories. I am still having hardcore sugar cravings and if I don't find a way of curbing them, they will always be the downfall of my weigh loss progress. At day 63 I shouldn't be struggling with sugar cravings this much. I think I just haven't cut nearly enough out of my diet yet. Between the Snackwell cookies, push-up pops, Special K cereal, and Skinny Cow ice cream sandwiches, I am still fully addicted to sugar, now I just healthier versions of it. The popups, Special K, and Snackwell cookies are gone (thank god) and I don't plan on buying anymore anytime soon. 

Tomorrow is a new day and a new week. My focus will continue being how I feel and not how much the scale shows. This weeks goal is to cut my daily sugar intake to stay within the limits of the MFP app. 

Happy Mother's Day. 


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